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Naruot waited outside on his porch for Sasuke. It's been a couple day's since Sasuke found out he was gay. It was a couple days since Naruto found out Sasuke was gay. It's been a weekend.

A weekend full of church and bible reading for Naruto. And weekend full of homework and online classes for Sasuke.
And yet through the whole weekend the only thing on their minds was each other.

Naruto looked down at his red shoes and smiled. He was wearing sneakers today! And he wasn't going to talk to Shino or Choji all day! Kiba was different. Kiba was his best friend, he'll understand, he usually does.

Sasuke shut the front door and started walking down his driveway. The first thing he did was look at Narutos house. When he saw Naruto standing outside he smiled softly and crossed the street.

Sasukes insides screamed happiness! He looked at Naruto. He was waiting for Naruto to see him walking.
Sasukes steps were quiet but he could've sworn he started walking faster just to get to Naruto quicker.

Naruto looked at up from his shoes with a happy but anxious feeling. He turned his head to the side, Sasuke!

Naruto smiled on the outside his eyes shining with hope and longing. His heart was doing summersaults. He wanted nothing more than to walk over to Sasuke and hug him until all his worries go away. He just wanted something real and free. Sasuke was real and Narutos never felt more free.

"Hey!" Naruto cheered he stepped off the steps carefree and feeling good.

Sasuke nodded his head "hey"

Naruto fell into step next to Sasuke and a conversation started instantly.
"I should get my car soon" Sasuke said changing the topic. He felt stuck without his car.

"You're getting a new car? Wow! That's awesome I have my license but I don't have a car. I was supposed to get one but something happened and I just haven't brought it up."

"Do you like not having a car?"

Naruto shook his head "no I would love to get in a car right now and just leave"

"You want to leave that bad? You hate it here that much?"

"I really do."

Sasuke stared at Naruto. There was a reason Sasuke liked Naruto so much, it was because Naruto was different from every single person he's ever met. He's met so many people, sometimes people just come up and talk to him in stores. But he's never met someone so strange that it makes sense. Strange is supposed to bad, you stay away from strange, but Naruto was a different strange.

Sasuke wanted to know more.

The school was approaching quickly. Narutos nerves weren't leaving. The sweat on his hands  and his armpits was not pleaseant. His mind was telling him to leave. But all he was doing was wearing shoes and talking to Sasuke.

There was no real reason for him to be scared or nervous. This is his home too, this is his school too. He can do what he wants.


'No I can't, no I can't.' Naruto froze on spot everything he was just telling himself went down the toilet. This wasn't his town, this was everyone's town but his. These choices weren't for him to make! He has to listen to everyone else. There are rules. There are things he must do. And he broke them, he wore the wrong shoes and he's talking to Sasuke.

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