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The skin breaks, it cracks, it pales, and it yellows. The drugs, they destroy you in every way possible. The thing that saves you from the pain. The thing you are told to take it is addictive. It's everything that you need when you are sick, when you are healing. And yet, they abuse it.

Why do people do such things to harm themselves? Why do people know it's a problem and not do a thing about it?
Is the pleasure from drugs so good you'd rather live such a life then face the real one?

Drugs destroy.

They destroy families, they destroy the person, they destroy the society. Will it ever be worth it?

Naruto looked at his mother laying helplessly in the hospital bed. He's never felt such anger. He's never so much shame. He was so ashamed, how could she?

The shame went in two directions. He was ashamed of how much he hated his mother. But he was always so ashamed of himself for not seeing addiction as a real illness. One that was so hard to get over.

But right now the only thing that he felt was hatred. Hatred that will follow him everywhere.
He's already been through this! He's watched it all! He's seen the withdrawals! He's seen the rehab! He's seen so much. He's seen his mother in the worst possible way, he lived with it for five long years. Just when he thought it was all over, it comes back.

Just when he thought he could give her an ounce of trust back. She relapsed. Two long years of being clean all down the drain. All for nothing? Of course.

Naruto looked at his father. He wasn't shocked when he saw a look of disappointment. There is just so much you can take before you say you've had enough. What more can you do?

Naruto let the tear fall from his right eye. He felt his cheeks warm up. He put his hands in his pockets and walked out.

Naruto walked away from the hospital, away from his mother. Away from his father who works so hard. So hard for them.

Naruto found himself back in the old park out of town. It was the place Minato brought Naruto to after his mother's first overdose. It was the first Naruto had ever heard so much. It all made sense.

No one was around. Naruto sat on the rusted swing. His cold hands gripped the old cold metal chains. He watched as his hands turned red and then white as he squeezed the chains harder.

"What more can we do? My father does so much. He works day and night. He works the weekends. He provides. He loves me and I love him. But is it wrong that I don't... love my mom as much?" Naruto looked up at the sky as he talked.

He didn't know who else to turn to. He just needed to speak. He needed to have a conversation with the spirit who's been keeping him back from everything.

"Why bother trying to be with the one you're supposed to love when you don't? Why does my dad feel like he has to be there for her!?"

Naruto stopped talking for a second. He wanted an answer but he knew he wouldn't get one. He's been running out of faith since he was 14 and now it seems to be truly gone.

"She's cheated! She's cheated so many times. Shes hit me! She's damaged my family! She... she gave my sibling up from adoption, without even telling us" Naruto let the tears fall. His chest was being buried with rocks. Every breath he took another rock was added. He couldn't breathe.

"And it was already too late. Because she is having a better life then she would've had with us. But how can my father feel the need to watch over my mother after that!?? How can he not move on!! Why!"

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