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Naruto carried the last box up to Sasukes dorm, he stared at the tiny room. "Ha! This is so small. Sucks for you." He stuck his tongue out and laughed.

Sasuke put the box down on the bed, "Ha you're unemployed. Sucks for you."

Naruto stared at him with a pout, "technically I have a job."

"Yeah a job you don't like." Sasuke rolled his eyes, he looked around his room. His roommates things were there.

"Well they can't all be winners. I don't mind working with my dad for now." He crossed his arms, and sat on the bed. It was not comfortable. "You're not going to sleep good here at all."

Sasuke sighed "I know. It's alright. I'm not home, and I can only hope my roommate isn't an idiot."

"You didn't talk to him? At all? Aren't you supposed to text or something?"

"I ignored his texts." Sasuke sat on the bed next to Naruto and grabbed his hand. Naruto chuckled, "and you call me an idiot."

Sasuke didn't know if he was going to like staying in the dorms. He knew he didn't want to be at home and he wasn't getting an apartment until he was making money. Which he will be doing after his first year of college at his dads company.


Naruto and Sasuke both turned their heads, they stared at the white hair boy. "I'm Suigetsu."

Sasuke nodded his head, he continued to stare at the white hair. Naruto slanted his eye brows "why is your hair white?" Naruto asked, he's never seen anyone but old people with white hair.

Suigestsu smiled "it's just my hair."

"Yeah but did you dye it?"


Sasuke looked back at their hands, he squeezed them and leaned into Naruto. "I don't like him." Sasuke whispered.

Naruto chuckled he stood up letting go of Sasukes hand. "Well I have to go to work." He stuck his tongue out, "because I do have a job."

Sasuke nodded his head glumly, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

Naruto shook his head "nope, I'll text you tomorrow. You have scheduled activities and you need to get to know Suigestsu."

Sasuke stood up he walked over and wrapped his arms around Naruto. "Alright. You better text me." He whispered. Naruto smiled brightly, he tried not to look sad. Because Sasuke wasn't sad he was excited. He didn't want to ruin it.

Sasuke leaned down he kissed Naruto softly, Naruto closed his eyes and kissed back. Sasukes touch was always so delicate and warm. He was truly the only one for him.

Naruto pulled away he hugged Sasuke again and picked up his car keys. "Okay bye! I love you. Bye Suigestsu!" He waved as he walked out of the room.

Sasuke turned to Suigestsu when Naruto left. "How did you get into this school? You look like an idiot."

Suigestsu laughed, "we'll get along just fine. I'm a genius."

Sasuke nodded his head not believing him at all.

Naruto got into his car, he didn't like being at Sasukes college. It was way to big and there were so many people. Sasuke was probably used to big schools and lots of people. He wasn't.
"Naruto you will always have a job here. We're getting busy too. I'm going to hire another worker."

Naruto slumped in his seat "but I wanted my own job!" He tried applying to many other places, including factories but no one has called him back.

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