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Naruto stared at the empty ceiling his mind wandered to his future. He couldn't imagine living a life here. He couldn't imagine living a happy life. Is that bad?


Naruto jumped up from the bed and smiled brightly. "That's your brother right!??"

Sasuke slowly sat up and nodded his head. He sighed loudly. He wanted Naruto out of here before he came home but he couldn't bring himself to kick him out. He wanted him there. Naruto was the first person he met here that was worth his time. Now he just has to make sure he's worth Narutos time.

Sasukes eyes grew larger as he listened to himself. Never in his life has he ever thought he was unworthy of anyone. Now he is thinking he is...

Sasukes turned to Naruto so quickly Naruto jumped slightly. He wasn't expecting such a venomous look from Sasuke. After all he really didn't do anything.

"Umm Sasuke?" Naruto murmured softly. He felt out of place and that was a first since he met Sasuke. That look, he was unwanted. He knew.

Sasuke said nothing he just stared at Naruto his glare was piercing through him like a silver bullet. "I can leave. I think I might've thought something... that well. I don't know. I've over stepped I get it."

Sasuke opened his mouth but nothing came out. He wasn't sure what to say because he really didn't want Naruto to leave. But he really didn't want him to turn into the person he was becoming. He needs to be ruthless, he needs to be cautious of all. He needs to never act on his disturbed side. He needs to keep all thoughts and lust to the back of his mind.

Naruto let his left leg lead him to the door. His heart was heavy and the only thing he could think of was how long he needed to give Sasuke space. How long until he could text him again? How long until he could feel free again?

Narutos hand touched the door handle, the cold metal struck him instantly. He twisted the cold metal and wondered how long he was here for. Naruto opened the door seamlessly, he didn't look back as he walked out the room and quietly out of the house. He didn't want Itachi to see him. He would like to meet Itachi one day, on better terms.

Naruto walked home he put his mud boots on and walked over to his shed. He didn't like joy rides but today was different. He needed Sasuke out of his head. He needed everything to just stop. Just stop for a little bit, just so he can think.
Sasuke stomped his foot on the ground and threw the purple shirt at the window. He took his shoes off and crawled into bed. He shoved his face into the pillows and closed his eyes.

Maybe this was all just a dream. Maybe he'll close his eyes and open them and he'll be back in his own room and his own home town. He wanted to see the lights from his fathers office in the big tall building that hovered over the city.

Sasuke wasn't one to let things get to him. He doesn't care about people most of the time. He has never cared about anything but his family. Now he has another person that's on his mind twenty four-seven, someone he can't get out of his head every time his eyes close.

He never believed in love. He never believed him love at first sight. It was described as such an emotion feeling that brings just happiness. He's never seen someone he thought he could ever love.

He didn't want to move to this town. He didn't want to see these weird country things or these weird country people. There are fences full of cattle and horses down every single road. There are chickens on the front lawns.

All the houses are so unkept and yet here it looks like it belongs. There are so many little children. Everywhere you look there are kids playing in the road or drawings on the sidewalks. Tiny children and unkept houses.

This is too much change.

Sasuke quickly got up from his bed he ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. He grabbed his phone from the charger and dialed his fathers number.

"Hello?" Sasuke smiled at his fathers voice.

"I need to come home"

Sasuke heard his father sigh "Sasuke... I think you should stay out there. Just give it a little longer"

Sasukes patience were running thin "I've given it almost a month! I want to come home! This isn't the life I want. Please!" Sasuke yelled his voice was desperate. He wanted his father to understand that he couldn't spend another work in this town.


Sasuke quickly took the phone from his ear and looked at his brother. Itachi was staring at him his sad eyes. There was nothing but sorrow that filled Itachi's face.

Sasuke turned around he couldn't look at him.
"Please, dad"

"I'll send you a ticket now"

"Thank you"

Sasuke looked at his brother and hung up the phone. "I'm going home"

"This is your home"

Sasuke shook his head his eyes filled with angry and sad tears. He was so frustrated "it's not! And I need a break!"

"You'll have to come back. Sasuke, this is your home until you graduate."

Sasuke didn't understand anything. Why was he here in the first. Why was Itachi doing this?

Sasuke stood up straight "I'll be gone until I feel like coming back"

Itachi nodded his head "dinner will be done in one hour. I'll call father to get the flight details. Also your car is in the driveway. It got dropped off today."

Sasuke looked his brother in the eyes and nodded his head. He needed to leave even if it was just for a little bit. Or at least until he could figure out a way to convince his father to let him stay there for good.

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