Part 2

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Aaliyah couldn't stop smiling. She had never thought it was possible, what happened on Friday. The weekend was taking too long to pass. Aaliyah was waiting for it to be Monday, so she could go back and see him. Aaliyah had a bad case of the flu, so she was tucked up in bed. She hoped she would be ok by Monday, so she could go.

Monday came, and Aaliyah was counting the minutes to go see him. When it was finishing time, Aaliyah ran all the way to the club to see him. However, she couldn't see him anywhere. She walked up to the bar and asked around, only to be told he didn't work there anymore. She went home feeling depleted.

"Aaliyah, hurry up and get ready. Your sisters coming home today. And we finally get to meet her fiancé." Aaliyah groaned. She loved her sister, but was not in the mood to meet anyone. She went upstairs, and threw up. She had a nagging feeling what was wrong with her, but hoped she was wrong.

"Aaliyah, they're here." Aaliyah hurried downstairs and was setting the table when she heard her sister say "Aaliyah, this is my fiancée." Aaliyah turned round to greet him, but dropped the tray, full of cutlery. It was HIM!

Oh my god, I cheated on my sister, she thought. And now I'm having my own niece or nephew.

                         Dum! Dum! Dum!

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