Part 23

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Safdar brought Aaliyah some tablets. "What are these?" questioned Aaliyah. "They will help your headaches go away, and help you start remembering." Aaliyah looked at the tablets. She didn't know why, but she didn't feel right taking them. "Safdar, this place is so lonely. There's no internet or television. Don't you get bored?" "Aaliyah, I've told you, this place is far out. We don't get any connection here." "What about neighbours?" "The closest ones are in the city, where I took you hospital."

Aaliyah, thought this was weird. Why would anyone choose to live so far away, like a total recluse? No television, no internet, no phone. She felt like a hostage trapped in this house. What if my family are making television appeals for me and I can't see them because of no television? she thought. I have to get out of here she thought, but where will I go? I don't know where, but I have to go she thought.

Aaliyah waited for the cover of darkness, before fleeing. She didn't know where she was going, but she knew she had to leave this place. So she just ran and ran. Aaliyah knew she had to reach somewhere for safety, before Safdar came looking for her. So she ran and ran. She had no idea where she was going, just that she needed to get far from Safdar. She had never felt comfortable around him. 

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