Part 22

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Safdar came and took Aaliyah home. "Stay here until we figure something out." Aaliyah, for some reason found it strange being around Safdar. But she loved being around his daughter. To Aaliyah, his daughter felt like she had helped heal a part of Aaliyah's heart. Aaliyah, was one day putting her to sleep, when Safdar came, "her mum walked out on us, when she was born. She couldn't handle being a mum." "That's sad. I can't imagine a parent leaving their child." She suddenly gasped, "Safdar, what if I have a child or children? They're going to think I abandoned them."

Aaliyah started hyperventilating. "I need to know everything. Who I am, who my family is, where I'm from, but every time  I try and remember, my brain just shuts down. How am I supposed to remember? she asked sobbing

"Don't cry, the doctor said you're memory might come back. We just have to be patient."

"And what if it doesn't?"

"Don't think negatively."

"Safdar, I have a life I don't remember. I could have children and a husband out there, who think I've abandoned them. How am you I supposed to stay calm and think positive?"

Jameel was at breaking point. He had tried everything to find Aaliyah, but nothing had worked. He didn't believe Aaliyah had just abandoned him, because she wasn't that type of girl. If she wanted to leave him, why not do it, when she lost their twins? No one would blame her for that. As days turned into weeks, he just had to pray that Aaliyah, wherever she was would return to him. Surely, his love wasn't that week.

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