Part 21

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Aaliyah wandered out of bed, and had a wander around. Where am I she thought? Who am I? What happened? Aaliyah heard a child crying, and ran to it. She picked the child up and sang a lullaby to soothe it back to sleep. She suddenly heard someone enter the room.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"My name is Safdar. I found you unconscious on the road, so I brought you here to recover. Are you ok?"

"I can't remember anything, Aaliyah wept. Who I am, who my family is, who my friends are. Nothing".

"I didn't think you were that injured, otherwise I would have taken you to the hospital straight away. I didn't realise it was this serious."

"Please take me to the hospital. I want to remember. I need to know who I am, where I came from, if I have any family. If I have family, they must be looking for me, wondering where I am."

Safdar took Aaliyah hospital, and they did a brain scan on her. Aaliyah waited impatiently for the results. The doctor came in, with a grim face. "Is everything ok?" a worried Aaliyah asked. "Aaliyah, the car hit your head, and it's affected your brain." "My memory? Will I get my memories back?" asked a worried Aaliyah. "We don't know." Aaliyah wept. "Who am I? Do I have family, friends? They must be worried." Safdar tried to console her. "You can't say anything to make me feel any better. I don't even know who I am."

Aaliyah ran out of the hospital, screaming. She felt so alone. Who am I? she thought 

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