Part 17

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Aaliyah ran home crying. She couldn't lose Jameel, but she couldn't lose her sister. Was a guy worth losing her sister over? She didn't know what to do. She wanted them both in her life. She loved them both. How could she choose?

"Mum, he's leaving"  Aaliyah wept


"He said he couldn't be in the same place as me, and not be with me. He said it hurts him too much."

Aaliyah's mum sighed. Jameel had kept her secret. But was Aaliyah ok? "You really love him, don't you?"

"More than I thought I could. I only spent one night with him and I was hooked. Being around him, I've realised he's the one for me. He completes me. He's my other half. But I'm so misfortunate. I can't even be with him or tell anyone, how much I love him."

Aaliyah's mum sighed. "Aaliyah he's leaving because of me."

"What do you mean?"

"I told him to leave as I worried he would come between you and your sister."

"Mum, why?"

"I know. It was stupid. Now I've seen how much you love him. Go, Aaliyah. Go. Stop him."

"But mum......"

"Don't worry, I'll handle your sister. Go get him."

Aaliyah ran to the train station.  She quickly grabbed a megaphone and said "Jameel, this is your Aaliyah. Don't go. I love you. If you leave me, I'll die. I choose you. I only want you. Please come back to me."

Aaliyah waited with baited breath. She hoped she had done enough to convince him. As the train went away, Aaliyah began to turn away. Suddenly, she saw him. He stood there, smirking. Aaliyah wept with happiness. Jameel opened his arms and Aaliyah ran into them. Jameel spun her around in his arms. Aaliyah laughed. Suddenly, he put her down. Aaliyah grabbed him and kissed him, like she never wanted to let go. As they kissed, there were woops and cheers all around them. Aaliyah rested her forehead against Jameel, and smiled. They left smiling, hand in hand, back to Jameels house to continue their reunion.

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