Part 19

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"Aaliyah, where are you going?"

"I can't take this anymore Jameel. She's my sister. I have to make it up with her."

"We already tried that. It didn't work. She can't accept us."

"But Jameel, I need my mum and sister in my life. Please try to understand."

"I do. If you got to do this, then by all means try. Just don't forget me."

"I would never. Your my everything Jameel."

Aaliyah gave Jameel a quick kiss, then left. It was going to be hard, but she would make it work. She was her sister. She needed her. Since that day, she hadn't talked to her mum either. It really upset her. Aaliyah barged her way in.

"Ok, this has gone far enough. You need to accept me and Jameel as a couple, then move on. I need my sister in my life. Please understand. Your both special to me. I need you both."

"I told you to choose."

"I can't. I love you both. Please understand."


Aaliyah got up. "I've tried but there's no getting through to you. I don't even know why I even bother." Aaliyah stormed out. She rang Jameel. "You were right. There's no getting through to her." Aaliyah started running home, as a huge storm approached. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Aaliyah got hit by a car, and lay in the road unconscious 

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