Part 18

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Aaliyah woke up in a strange room. She turned around and saw Jameels arms around her. She smiled as she remembered everything. "What are you looking at?"said Jameel looking at her. "Hush. I want to savour this moment, before all hell breaks loose." "You don't regret it, do you?" "Absolutely not. Your the man I love. You fathered my kids. I love you." Aaliyah quickly kissed Jameel on the lips and went to shower. Jameel went into the shower five minutes later, and things got pretty steamy quickly.

"Aaliyah, come on, we have to go."


"Come on."

"Can't we just stay here today?"

"As much as I would love to, we can't. We have to face the music sooner or later."

"But she'll hate me"

"You knew that when you came after me. Don't worry. I'm right beside you"

Aaliyah reluctantly took Jameels hand, and off they went. Aaliyah opened the door and let them in. "Hello?" Aaliyahs sister came flying at her. Jameel had to hold her back. "How could you Aaliyah? You knew he was mine and yet you stole him from me. Is this what sisters do?" Aaliyah tried to speak, but Jameel cut in. "Aaliyah didn't steal me from you. I might have been yours once, but lately I've realised I don't love you. I didn't set out to cheat on you, but I felt an instant attraction towards Aaliyah and it just happened. I don't regret it, because it gave me Aaliyah. I love her, only her." "Were you the dad?" "Yes, they were mine. I was a misfortunate father because I couldn't even tell anyone they were mine. Aaliyah didn't tell me because she had just found out me and you were together and she didn't want to ruin our relationship." "But late for that" "No, don't blame Aaliyah. When it happened she didn't know about me and you. She only found out the day we came to visit."

Aaliyah wept silently. "I'm sorry for what happened. I regret it came out this way and it hurt you. But I won't apologise about loving Jameel. I tried not to when I found out about you and him, but it's impossible. He's my other half. He completes me." Jameel held Aaliyah's hand and squeezed it. Aaliyah squeezed back. 

Aaliyah grabbed Jameels hand and went back to his house. She sat down miserable. "She's going to hate me forever." "Do you regret what you said?" Aaliyah looked at Jameel. "No, how can you even think that? Your the only good thing in my life right now."

Aaliyah let herself be taken upstairs by Jameel. Where they stayed for the rest of the day 

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