Part 7

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Aaliyah came home and found everyone gathered in the room. "What's going on?" "We've set a date for the wedding" Jameel said. Aaliyah felt numb. Did Jameel lie about everything he just said? Were his declarations of love a big fat lie? Aaliyah hugged her sister, who was bursting with happiness. "Congratulations " she said to Jameel and then ran upstairs.

She collapsed, sobbing on her bed. This was more difficult than she thought. She went to her "boyfriends" house.

"It's so hard."

"I told you it wasn't going to be easy, but you were adamant that you were ok with it."

"It looks so easy in the movies."

"That's because they're actors playing a role. Your a real person, with real feelings."

Aaliyah went home, only to be greeted by darkness. "Hello? Where is everyone?" "Aaliyah, the lights have gone out. Jameels fixing it, but please be careful." Aaliyah managed to make it upstairs, before a storm began. Aaliyah hated the sound of thunder, so tried to get to her room, only to bump into someone. At the sound of thunder, she hugged them tightly. "I hate the sound of thunder. I know I'm being silly, but it scares me." "I hate the sound of thunder too." Aaliyah quickly realised who she was hugging, and let go. Only problem was, Jameel just pulled her in closer. "I love you Aaliyah, and one day I'll prove my love to you." "You say you love me, yet you just booked the day with my sister. What kind of love is this?" "I thought it didn't affect you." Aaliyah pushed him away, and ran to her room.

Jameel stood there, smirking. He knew Aaliyah loved him, now it was confirmed. She had let on more then she intended. It effected her massively.

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