Part 32

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"How did you find me?"

"I told you no matter where you where, I'd find you."

"What do you want?"

"What do you think?"

"No. I can't."


"Because I can't put you and my mum in danger."

"Is that what you think your doing?"

"Please Jameel leave. I won't let anyone get hurt. Safdar wants me, and I won't allow him to harm you."

Jameel entered the house. "Nice place you have." "It'll do for now." "Until when? How long are you going to keep running Aaliyah?" "Forever, if I have to." Jameel went to Aaliyah and hugged her. Aaliyah tried to resist, but hugged him tightly, whilst crying. "Come home." "I want to, but I'm scared. What if he harms you lot, due to me?" "We'll get through it together. Please Aaliyah, if not for me, then your mum. She's really worried about you."

Aaliyah took Jameels hand, and said "please take me home." Jameel and Aaliyah went home. Aaliyah's mum was overjoyed at having her back.

"I'm never letting you go Aaliyah. If safdar comes for you, we'll face him together. We are a team," Jameel said. Aaliyah hugged Jameel and her mum tightly. 

Jameel got cramp and got down on his knees. "Can I help?" asked a worried Aaliyah. "You can help by saying yes." "To what?" "This." Aaliyah gasped as Jameel held her hand, and in his other hand was a black box with a silver, engagement ring.

"Aaliyah, I've known you were the one for me, since we met. People tried to seperate us, but fate brought us back together. I think that's fates way of giving us his blessing. Now, please say yes and make me the happiest man in the world."

"Like I could love anyone else" Aaliyah said, with tears going down her face. Jameel smiled and slid the ring on her finger. Aaliyah smiled then passionately attacked him with her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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