Part 11

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Jameel went to Aaliyah's house. Their was no answer. He let himself in, with the key he had, and went upstairs to Aaliyah's room. He tucked a letter, underneath her pillow, in which he poured his heart out. As he was leaving, a scan of the twins caught his eye. He picked the frame up and rubbed his hands over it. He couldn't explain it, but he felt something for the twins. He noticed a paper sticking out, so he pulled it out to see what it was. The scales fell from his eyes as he realised the meaning.

Jameel went to the hospital. As usual Aaliyah was sitting beside her twins, willing them to get better.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he said, entering the room

"Tell you what?"

"Quit playing dumb. You know what."

"No. Your wrong."

"Right. And I suppose if I got a dna test done, it'd be wrong too."

Aaliyah hung her head. "Didn't think so. Why'd you lie to me Aaliyah? You know how crazy I am about you."

"Jameel, you know why I couldn't. I can't lose my sister because of you."

"Yeah well I'm gonna tell her it's over."


"I don't love her anymore. It's better to tell her now, than to lead her on."

"But she loves you."

"I don't."

Just then, a doctor came in. "How are my babies?" "They're not responding as well as we hoped. We're going to operate." The doctors took the babies away. Aaliyah collapsed into Jameels arms. "My babies" she wept. Jameel hugged her tightly. "Our babies will be fine."

Aaliyah and Jameel sat side by side praying. Just then, a doctor came in with a somber expression.

"No" shouted Aaliyah 

"I'm sorry. Their tiny bodies couldn't cope with the operation."

"No" screamed Aaliyah, collapsing on the floor. Jameel ran and picked her up. Aaliyah wept in his arms. Jameel hugged her as they both wept for their babies. Aaliyah's mum and sister walked in. "What's going on?" The doctor explained everything. Aaliyah's mum ran to Aaliyah and hugged her. "Mum, my babies. My beautiful, tiny, innocent, precious babies."

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