Part 3

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Aaliyah was shocked. He was here, but he was her sisters fiancé. Oh God, what have I done she thought. She quickly knelt down and picked up the broken cutlery. She ran to the kitchen to throw it away, but knew she couldn't avoid him forever. 

"Aaliyah" she said nervously, after running to hug her sister


They all sat down to eat. Aaliyah avoided looking at Jameel. It just reminded her of what happened. Aaliyah was surprised nobody was picking up on the tension between them. "So Jameel, what do you do?" Aaliyah almost chocked on her food. "I used to be a barman, but I quit recently. Wasn't for me." Oh, thought Aaliyah, no wonder I couldn't find him again.

"I'll wash up" said Aaliyah, trying to get away from him

"Oh my God. Have we entered a parallel universe? Aaliyah's volunteering to wash up?" said her sister

"Shut up. You know I do my bit. I'm just tired after a long day at work."

"Don't make fun of her" said Jameel. "Come on, I'll help you."

"No, it's ok. Your our guest."

"It's ok. We'll get it done twice as fast."

Aaliyah started washing up. She was aware of Jameels presence next to her. Sometimes, their fingers touched as Aaliyah handed him the dishes. Aaliyah quickly finished, and was about to go when he grabbed her hand

"Let go."


"I'll shout and scream."

"Then do it. Shout and scream and call everyone here."

Aaliyah hung her head. "Didn't think so." Jameel said. "What do you want?" "You know." "It was nothing. A mistake. Let's forget it ever happened." "But that's the thing I can't." "You have to. I feel sick every time I think about what we did. I cheated on my sister, with her fiancé." "It was partly my fault as well." "How could you Jameel? How could you cheat on my sister? The woman your going to marry? How many other girls have you cheated on her with?" "None." "Ok, let me rephrase that. How many other guys have you cheated on her with?" Jameel looked disgusted. "Do you think I'm gay?" "I don't know what to think anymore."

"I'm not gay, and it was never my intention to cheat on your sister. I'm not like that. But I felt an instant attraction towards you. One I couldn't deny. So, that's why it happened."

Aaliyah ran to her room and threw up. She had felt that attraction too. That's why she willingly did it. She patted her stomach, knowing if he couldn't be hers, he had given her a gift. A part of him, she would have forever 

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