Part 5

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"Ok, one more time, you want me to what?"

"Pretend to be my boyfriend."


"Because, I'm pregnant, and I need a baby daddy to show my family."

"Who's the real daddy?"

"I'll tell you another time. Now, will you do it or not?"

"Aaliyah, you're one of my best friends. How can I say no?"

Aaliyah came home and introduced him to everyone as her new boyfriend. "We have some news. We are having a baby. I didn't introduce him to you as I wanted to see if things were serious. This is the ultimate serious sign." Everyone congratulated Aaliyah. Jameel whispered in her ear, "you moved on quick." Aaliyah wanted to cry and tell Jameel the truth, but she kept quiet.

Aaliyah was in her room. Jameel came in. "Get out" yelled Aaliyah.  "Did our night mean absolutely nothing to you?" "No, I told you it was a mistake.  Plus, I feel sick now that I know who you are. No one can ever know what happened." "No, it wasn't a mistake. It was special. And I can't forget it. I think about it all the time." "Whatever."

Jameel had this nagging feeling at the back of his head, he couldn't shake it off. Something about her story didn't ring true for him. He offered Aaliyah's boyfriend a drink. Seeing as there was no one else around, Jameel decided to press him for answers. "Congratulations on the baby." "Thanks." "You must be so happy." "We are." "Why am I getting the feeling you've not happy?"

Aaliyah came running down the stairs and took him away. Jameel was confused. Aaliyah's boyfriend didn't seem to happy at the thought of being a dad. Something was up he thought. The way Aaliyah dragged him away from Jameel. The way she was always nervous around Jameel. Why was she doing this to him? He didn't regret a single moment of that night. Being around Aaliyah had convinced him these past few days, she was the girl for him. He wanted to tell her why he wasn't back at that club again, but she wouldn't even give him the time of day. He had to convince her his feelings were real, but how?

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