Part 8

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"No, I'm not going. I'm going to be huge, by then. Nothing will fit me, so why bother?"

"We are bringing the date forward, so you don't show. A dress will still fit you. We don't want you to miss out."

"I'm touched, but you know I hate shopping. I'll just wear whatever you buy."

"Last chance."


"Fine. Be like that."

Aaliyah sat on the sofa, trying to get comfortable. Her baby was beginning to move, and she was starting to show a little. However, she wore baggy clothes to hide her tummy, as her family didn't know how far along she was.  There was a knock on the door. Aaliyah went to open it to see Jameel on the porch.

"My sisters not here" she said, going to close the door. Jameel put his foot in the way, "I know. I came to see you" he said barging in. Aaliyah was about to say something when she felt a whoosh between her legs and doubled over in pain. Jameel grabbed her.

"Are you alright?"

"Jameel, I think my waters have broken. I think my babies coming" said Aaliyah as she screamed from another contraction.

"What do I do?"

"Seriously? Call an ambulance." 

The ambulance arrived and decided there was no way Aaliyah was going to make it to the hospital on time. She had to deliver there and then. "But I can't. It's too soon. My baby" wept Aaliyah. Jameel grabbed Aaliyah's hand and squeezed it. "Your going to be fine. I believe in you. Squeeze my hand as hard as you want." Aaliyah huffed and puffed, whilst Jameel supported her as she gave birth to twins. A boy and girl. Jameel was crying. "Well done" he said to Aaliyah, kissing her on the lips. The ambulance took Aaliyah and the babies to hospital. "Is dad coming too?" Jameel looked at Aaliyah. "It's ok Jameel, you can come. You played a big part in helping them enter this world."

Aaliyah slept in the ambulance, grateful that the babies dad had helped deliver them, without knowing they were his. But how much longer could she keep it a secret?

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