Part 26

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Aaliyah spent the next few days at home recovering. She was so happy that she was with her mum again. She knew her mum would never let anything happen to her. Part of her wanted to remember Jameel, but her memories wouldn't come back.

"Mum, Who is Jameel to me?"

"Don't you remember him?"

"No mum, my memories are not coming back. I'm scared they never will."

"They will. Be patient."

Aaliyah cuddled up to her mum. "At least I've still got you." Aaliyah went upstairs and looked through her photos. Jameel was there with her. I know he's something to me, but what? Suddenly her phone rang

"Aaliyah, it's Jameel. I was wondering if you would like to go out on a date with me?" Aaliyah smiled. Ever since she had come home, Jameel had been the perfect gentleman. Visiting her, bringing her chocolates, helping her get her memories back, as a friend making new memories with her. "Ok". 

Aaliyah was nervous, but excited. She was nervously waiting for Jameel. The door went, her mum wished her luck and off they went. Aaliyah had a great time with Jameel. They had a great dinner, went for a lovely walk, sat and just talked. Aaliyah didn't want the night to end. Soon though Jameel walked her home. Aaliyah didn't want to let go of his hand, her hand felt so content there.

Jameel left her at her door. Aaliyah turned back to look at him. "Jameel wait." Jameel turned around in time to see Aaliyah jump into his arms and ferociously attack his lips with hers. Aaliyah lost herself in the kiss, as it deepened. Aaliyah stopped, got down and rested her forehead against his. "Thank you for a lovely evening," before rushing inside 

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