Part 27

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Aaliyah was at home, listening to the radio when a song came on she sort of recognised. The dj said the boy wants to dedicate it to his girlfriend, because it was one of their songs. Aaliyah closed her eyes and was swept away. She saw a couple dancing, but was unable to make out their faces. Aaliyah felt the song had an emotional meaning to her, but she couldn't recall why or how. Aaliyah was a bit frustrated. Nothing was much better. She could recall things in little glimpses and flashes. She hadn't spoken to Jameel either, since their date. She wasn't sure how she felt about him. He might have been someone to her, but that was before the accident. Now everything was different.

She was resting, when Jameel came over. He sat down next to her. Aaliyah knew he must be angry at her, as she had not seen him since. "How are you Aaliyah?" Aaliyah was taken back, she was not expecting that.  "Jameel, don't you hate me?" "Why would I hate you?" "Please Jameel, hate me. Shout at me, scream at me. Just do something but don't be nice to me." "Why?" "Because I've been ignoring you since our date." "Well, it did hurt honestly. But your still recovering and not remembering everything so I can't push you."

Aaliyah got up and she and Jameel went for a walk. "Jameel, how did we meet? Where was our first date?" "It's kind of silly." 'No, I want to know."  "Well Aaliyah, you used to work in the city, and one Friday night, you and your friends came into the bar where I worked." Aaliyah stopped suddenly. She was having flashes as he recounted the story. "I asked you for a kiss. When you refused, I tried to buy you. When it was your break, I followed you outside and then we had sex." Jameel stood shocked. "You remember?" "Bits and pieces."

"Jameel, do you want to go out with me again?"

"Of course."

"Well, I can't remember everything, so you're going to have to woo me all over again. Are you up for that?"

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