Part 25

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Aaliyah spent the next few days in hospital recovering. Her memories weren't coming back and that frustrated her. Now and then, she got a few glimpses of a man, but she couldn't make him out, that upset her. Every now and then, a name popped up in her mind, but she couldn't remember anyone with that name. Aaliyah was frustrated. It had been days but none of her memories returned. She was watching television one day on her bed, when her picture popped up. Aaliyah perked up and listened intently. She saw a guy holding her picture, she could of sworn she'd seen him somewhere, but where? Her head hurt, from thinking too much, so she went to sleep.

"Where is she? Where's Aaliyah?" Aaliyah cowered in fear. Safdar had found her. What was she going to do?

Aaliyah lay there, as someone entered. "Aaliyah." Aaliyah looked at him. She didn't know who he was, but something in her knew him. Something told her she'd be safe with him. "Aaliyah, it's me Jameel." Jameel. That name had been playing over in her mind for a while now. She didn't know who he was, but she felt she could trust him. "Where have you been?" Aaliyah looked at him and realised there was someone next to him. "Mum" she whispered. Aaliyah got up and ran to her mum. She wept on her shoulder, as her mum kissed her.

Aaliyah's mum took her home. Aaliyah felt the memories of this familiar place coming back. Her mum told her her sister had moved away. Aaliyah looked at Jameel. "I feel I know you from somewhere, but I don't have that memory anymore." "It's ok Aaliyah, as long as you're ok."

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