Part 13

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"No mum. I won't go."

"But Aaliya........."

"I said no."

Aaliyah's mum went downstairs. "She's refusing to go." Aaliyahs sister went up, to convince her, but the same result. Aaliyah's mum called Jameel. "Why him? Have you forgotten what he did to me?" "No, but Jameel was the only one who got her to eat. He might be able to convince her to go." Jameel came and went upstairs.

"No Jameel, I can't

"Aaliyah, you have to

"No Jameel, I can't. I can't say goodbye to my babies."

"Aaliyah, you won't be alone. Everyone will be there supporting you. I'll also be saying goodbye to my babies. I can't even tell anyone they're mine, because of what it'll do."

Aaliyah squeezed Jameels hand. "I understand you're pain. I wish everything was different. All right, I'll come. We can support one another."

It was a beautiful service. Aaliyah wept through the whole thing. Jameel held Aaliyah's hand secretly, squeezing it to let her know she wasn't alone. Aaliyah stayed behind at the graves, after everyone had gone.

"I'm sorry my darlings. Mummy couldn't do anything to save you, when it was my job to protect you. Please forgive me." Aaliyah sat by their graves, and wept. Jameel came and hugged her. "You didn't do anything wrong. Don't blame yourself. Their little bodies couldn't handle it. I'm their dad. I can't even tell anyone. I couldn't even see them, or visit them at the hospital. Think how I'm feeling." "I'm sorry Jameel, but you know why this has to be a secret. I can't lose my family. I do love you, you know." "I know."

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