Part 12

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It had been a few days since Aaliyah had come home. She hadn't spoken to anyone since, nor eaten anything. Aaliyah's mum was really worried. She tried to get her to eat something, but nothing. Aaliyah spent her days in her room crying. She was lying in bed, when she found Jameels letter. She read it, hesitantly. She cried even more, after reading it. Jameel loved her so much. She knew he loved her, but this much? She felt sick, thinking how bad she had been to him, and how she kept rejecting him.

Maybe it's my punishment from God, for being like this to him she thought. She wept for her babies, who she barely even got a chance to meet. Her tummy growled with hunger, yet she felt sick even at the thought of something to eat. Her mum entered the room. "Please Aaliyah, eat something. If not for me, think about your babies. Surely they wouldn't want their mum rotting away." "Maybe I should rot away, that way I can be with my babies again." Aaliyah wept in her mums arms, until she felt she could weep no more.

Aaliyah finally went downstairs, due to her mum. She sat in a chair, not speaking or eating, just observing. Jameel came over and broke up with her sister. Aaliyah's mum begged Aaliyah to eat something, but she couldn't. Jameel grabbed the plate of food and managed to make Aaliyah take a bite. Aaliyah's mum smiled, because even though she hated Jameel for what he did to her other daughter, he had managed to do something nobody could, and that was getting Aaliyah to eat. Aaliyah looked at Jameel and wept in his lap. Jameel took her to her room, and there he wept openly with her. Two parents weeping for the loss of their children.

   I was crying as I wrote this. So sad.

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