Part 6

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Jameel was on a mission. He had to convince Aaliyah he was telling the truth, his feelings were real. But how? She wouldn't even give him the time of day. She ran away, whenever she saw him coming. He had a risky idea, but he had to try. So he asked Aaliyah's "boyfriend" to bring her to the funfair. He stood at the entrance waiting for them. He gave the "boyfriend" money to buy refreshments, then while he was gone, grabbed Aaliyah's hand and locked them in a nearby barn.

"What have you done? Let me out."

"I will do, after we've talked."

"I have nothing to say to you."

"Fine then, listen. I'll talk. First things first, that night was special to me and it meant a lot to me. I know what your thinking. That I had sex with you, then disappeared. It wasn't like that. Someone saw us having sex, and reported me. I was fired right away. Obviously, I couldn't tell your mum the real reason, so I quickly made something up. I never regretted that night. If anything, that made me think you are the right girl for me. Being around you these last few days has only strengthened my belief. Your who I should be with. Aaliyah, I know it's difficult with me being your sisters fiancé, but I'm serious. I do love you."

"Are you finished?"


"Good, let me out. Now listen to me. I don't love you. I never did. That night was a mistake. I don't know what I was thinking. Your nothing more to me than my sisters fiancé. Now let me out."

Aaliyah was about to go, when Jameel held her wrist. "I'm a lot more. You just refuse to acknowledge it." Aaliyah pushed him away. "Go to hell." Aaliyah ran as far as her legs could carry her. She leaned against a tree and wept. "I'm sorry Jameel. I love you to. But your not mine. I can't lose my sister over a guy. I'm not that sort of girl. If I have to sacrifice my love for my sister, I will."

Aaliyah heard clapping coming from behind. She quickly turned round and saw her fake boyfriend. "I always knew you were selfless Aaliyah, but doing this? Sacrificing your love just so your sister can be happy. Wow Aaliyah, I couldn't do that. I take it he's the baby daddy?" Aaliyah nodded. "You know, I heard him professing his love in the barn. He really loves you." "I know."

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