Part 10

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Jameel sat in his room, in his house. He was nervous, angry and upset. He was sure Aaliyah felt something for him to, but what? How could he get her to admit it? The door went, waking Jameel up. He went downstairs to open it.

"What are you doing here?"

"Jameel, I need to talk to you."

"About what?"

"Are you going to invite me in, or shall we talk on the doorstep?"

Jameel moved aside and let her in.

"I want to talk to you about how your messing with both my daughters lives. Leading one on, but in love with the other. This is a ticking time bomb. Both sisters are going to drift apart, and a divide will form between then. Aaliyah's sister will hate her forever. Please Jameel, this time bomb will ruin my family. It's better now that you tell her now that you don't love her, rather than leading her on. But don't mention Aaliyah. Just tell her you've fallen for someone else."

"But I love Aaliyah."

"I know, but if you tell her it's Aaliyah, it'll ruin the sisters relationship forever."

"But what happens when she finds out it's Aaliyah I want?"

"I'm hoping it wont come to that."

"That's rich coming from you. You want me to be honest with your daughter and tell her I don't love her. But you don't want me to tell her it's her sister I love. How long can you keep that secret?"

"I don't want my daughters lives and relationship ruined by a guy. Please Jameel, a mother is begging you, move away. The more your in front of my daughters, the more chance this secret will be discovered. I'm actually surprised she hasn't worked it out yet, but as they say, loves blind."

"Please aunty, don't beg. A mother should never have to beg her son. I didn't realise the effect it would have on your family. I didn't think, I just fell in love with her. I'm sorry. I'll leave. But are you sure Aaliyah can live without me?"

"She has so far. I'm sure she can moving on."

Jameel went to pack. Aaliyah might be able to live, without him. But he couldn't. He had to see her one last time 

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