first date

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stefan would take you on a picnic in a cute field. there would be flowers which he'd spend ages making them into daisy chains for you. he'd kiss you gently and softly all over your neck, hands, face. anywhere. everywhere.

damon and yourself would sit in the salvatore's living room and get drunk. he would pour drinks into your mouth and laugh loudly, pulling you closer and closer to him, onto his lap at one point. and when you woke up you wouldn't remember the night, but you would both know you had a good time from the way you woke up together and the amount of empty bottles on the counter.

klaus would take you to an art museum. he would hold your hand gently and explain each piece to you. his intelligence showing through his knowledge and the way he spoke to you. he would kiss your hand and compare you to beautiful paintings.

jeremy would take you on a walk. you would go to the park and sit on the swingset, jeremy awkwardly and nervously giggling, clearly still shy. at the end of the date, when jeremy walked you back home you would cup his cheeks and kiss him. he would blush, and walk away too flustered to even reply, making you giggle.

elijah would invite you to home– although this didn't seem like much of a gesture at first you soon understood that he had put lots of effort into the date. he had made your favourite dinner and dessert, and afterwards he would read you your favourite poetry.

kol would take you out for drinks in order to get to know you better. he needed to understand you, and understand how trustworthy you were. he needed to know whether you were the one he would trust with his secret.

kai and yourself were stuck in the prison world, but he was determined to make this first date just as special as it would normally be. you would walk downstairs to see a dinner that he attempted to make. it wouldn't be the best, but he put tons of effort into it, and was so smiley and so proud of himself for it.

rebekah would take you on a walk through pretty fields full of flowers. at one point she would compare you to a flower, before plucking it and tucking it into your hair "hm, i suppose it's not just as pretty as you." you were both smitten.

katherine would take you out for drinks. she would playfully flirt and giggle with you– and by the end of the night she would have to help you home. she would turn to leave and you would insist she stays, pouting and looking up at her with puppy dog eyes. how could she resist?

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