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imagine elijah is your ex. you dated him centuries ago yet you both still have feelings for each other and dream about each other despite not seeing each other for years. one day rebekah knocks on your door to tell you news about elijah. he had been bit by a werewolf and she believed he needed you now more than ever.

you sat on the couch, your legs resting on the top of the coffee table as you sipped from a blood bag that you held in your hand. old slow music played from the record player that sat in the corner of the room, the slight scratching of the needle against the vinyl filling your ears.

after taking a final sip you tossed the container onto the wooden table and sighed to yourself. yet again, you were struggling through another lonely night– a night just like the previous nights, weeks, months, years even. you had almost forgotten what contact with another person was like.

every night you sat and listened to music, you read books and flicked through your memories, your thoughts flooded by nostalgia as you recalled the places and people from your past. cities like new oreleans and people like elijah.

you found yourself constantly thinking of elijah and all the things you shared, every kiss and every cuddle– every single embrace that the two of you exchanged. even after centuries you never seemed to rid him from your mind, and after this long you were convinced that you never would be able to.

maybe he was the love of your horrifically long life– maybe you would never find someone else like him, never share that kind of relationship and connection again. you weren't sure how content you were with that.

perhaps he had found somebody else, someone new and better– or was he still too caught up in his family? you wondered if their always and forever pact still applied.

you were tore from your clouded thoughts when a loud knock from your door sounded. you never had visitors, not anymore. and why would you? you had no friends, or enemies for that matter.

with a confused sigh you stood from the seat, wiping any remain of blood that may have dried around your lips and taking slow steps towards the door. you opened the door slowly, peering out of the small gap to look at the figure. rebekah.

"y/n." she let out a happy sigh of relief and practically threw herself into your arms. when you and elijah were still together both you and rebekah were best friends. you were always so happy around each other, and elijah loved for you to have someone around when he wasn't. "it's elijah." she whispered, pulling away slightly to meet your eyes.

your heart began racing at the realisation that elijah might be in danger, in danger or hurt "what's wrong? what happened to him? is he okay?" words came tumbling from your mouth in a jumbled rush.

rebekah paused for a moment, pulling away from you and nodding "just a small wolf bite– nothing that an original can't heal from. but, y/n, he's getting these... hallucinations about you. they're the memories that the two of you built." you listened in shock, frowning as she grabbed your hand "i just think he needs you right now."

"take me to him."

♡ ♡ ♡

you waited outside of elijah's bedroom, hand wrapped around the door handle as you hesitated on opening it. rebekah had taken you straight to their mansion as soon as you commanded– but she had warned you of the condition that the wolf bite had left him in, unsure if you were mentally prepared to see the man you had loved for so many years in so much mental and physical agony.

a sigh escaped your lips as you allowed the door to swing open. the room was dimly lit by a lamp that sat in the corner. and there he was. elijah. he was lying on the mattress, a blanket pulled up to his waist– his chest bare as well as glistening, probably because of the fever.

"lijah..." a small whisper escaped your lips as you shut the door behind you before rushing to the side of the bed. you found yourself on the soft mattress beside him, leaning over his frame and cupping his cheeks gently– you brought your face closer to his and gently pressed your lips to his. you found it difficult to believe that after all this time you were finally with him again.

elijah mumbled in his sleep, opening his eyes and staring up at you with wide eyes "y/n." he whispered, raising his hand and placing it on your cheek. he caressed your skin gently. you weren't entirely sure if he was aware what was happening, if he was still hallucinating or not "it's too dangerous for you here– with me. it's too dangerous when you're with me, even as a vampire." he whispered quietly, closing his eyes again. that answered the question for you.

he was reliving your breakup, retelling the story in his head. it was painful enough at the time, he didn't need to go through it again, and neither did you. you couldn't let him go through that "no. elijah it's me... that's over now, okay?" you whispered gently to him, laying in the space beside him and watching him carefully as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

rebekah had told you that he was falling in and out of hallucinations and was struggling to separate memories from reality "you're not real." elijah whispered, turning his head away from you and shutting his eyes tightly "why must you torment me like this, y/n? you're not real..." his voice broke slightly as he struggled on the bed, unsure of what to do, how to react.

"hey, it is me. real me. i promise." you turned his head gently to face you, his eyes piercing into yours as he stared. you watched carefully, feeling as his hand moved along the material of the mattress before landing over your hand. a small smile covered his lips as he felt the warmth of your skin on him.

elijah paused for a moment, taking all of you in "i want to be close to you." he whispered, allowing you to carefully move him so that his head was resting in your lap, the blanket still covering him up to his torso. you allowed your hands to run through his hair, your fingers playing with the soft strands as elijah drifted in and out of consciousness for the next couple of hours. he fell in and out of hallucinations– which you calmed him down from each time.

you stayed with him over the days that passed, feeding him blood bags and stroking his hair. you ensured that he was well rested and looked after, and so did his siblings, although they felt as if you knew elijah the best, you knew how to properly care for him.

he never spoke much when awake– he watched you carefully, eyes flickering over your features, paying attention to every detail on you and every small mannerism that you made. he knew that you hadn't changed, not by much anyway. you were still the same love of his life, the same person he fell in love with and the one that he would always care for.

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