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imagine: you and damon break up after months of arguing. you arrive at the salvatore house and let yourself in, in order to collect your things.

you knocked on the heavy wooden door of the salvatore house and awaited an answer. you had spent hours preparing yourself to arrive at the house, just for nobody to answer? that seemed about right. you wrapped your hand around the cold brass door handle and twisted. to your surprise, the door swung open. you let yourself in, quietly shutting the door behind you.

it was quiet. perhaps stefan had managed to get damon out of the house for awhile, take his mind off things. maybe they went out to feed together, brotherly bonding and everything.

hesitantly you peered into the living room "damon?" you called out, pausing for a response. nothing. "stefan?" you said, a little louder this time. again, nothing at all. sighing, you ran a hand through your soft hair.

you made slow steps towards damon's room, assuming your belongings would still be in there. you hoped damon hadn't have impulsively burnt them, shredded the love notes, something like that. it wouldn't surprise you when it came to damon. when faced with hurt, death, heartbreak, he would always act out. he believed he deserved hurt, pain and would make decisions which reaffirmed the idea in his head, took the pain away.

the door to damon's room was propped open with a heavy book. you glanced inside, scanning the room. it was dark, looking somewhat empty. you flipped the light switch on and shut the door behind you before noticing your boyfriend... ex boyfriend, curled up in a ball on his bed. your heart broke all over again as you took in the sight of him. his fluffy mess of a hair partially covering his eyes, an empty bottle of bourbon on the duvet next to him and... your hoodie crumpled up in his arms. he was cuddling your hoodie.

"oh... damon..." you whispered, tears filling your eyes as you carefully sat on the bed next to him, moving the bourbon bottle onto the bedside desk so that he wouldn't hurt himself on the glass bottle.

without thinking, you ran your hand through his hair, resting it on his head and listening to the breaths he drew in his sleep "y/n..." he mumbled, still asleep. damon was dreaming about you. a small and sad smile covered your lips.

"shh, i'm here." you whispered, gently shushing him and tenderly moving your hand to rest on his cheek. your thumb drawing patterns on his soft skin. you hated the thought of him hurting. drinking himself to sleep, holding your hoodie to his chest just to smell you, to feel close to you once again.

and you couldn't help but curl up next to him, studying his features. a salty tear dropped down your cheek. you were stupid, a fool to let him go. to let him slip away just like that. it wasn't right, both of your hearts were aching, broken, shattered. it wasn't best for either of you, you wanted each other. you needed each other.

you watched him for what felt like hours and hours. soothing him whenever he tossed or turned in his sleep. gently shushing and talking to him, knowing his voice calmed you down.

you could feel yourself falling asleep, and moved closer to him to feel his warmth and comfort. your eyes grew heavier and heavier until you couldn't keep them open for much longer. when you were just moments away from dreaming, damon wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him and blinking slowly. your eyes snapped open at the touch.

"am i dreaming?" damon smiles, staring into your eyes and gently pushing your hair from your eyes "y/n, tell me if i'm dreaming."

"no damon... baby you're not dreaming. i'm real, and i'm here." shaking your head, you gently pressed your hand against his cheek "feel that? see. real." damon smiled, a big smile and pulled you closer. happy tears filled his eyes as he rubbed your back, taking in your scent and your warmth.

"i really thought i'd lost you... god. i thought you were gone for good. please don't scare me like that again you... you dumbass." he giggled quietly, wiping the tears you weren't aware had started to fall away with his thumb.

you giggled and looked down, moving to be as close to him as humanly possible. there was a lump in your throat from the sobs you couldn't bring yourself to hold back for much longer. you began to properly cry, but you weren't exactly sure the reasoning behind it. damon seemed to understand though, he didn't question it, didn't question you. he never did. he just pulled you closer, rubbing your back gently and shushing you. he whispered soothing things into your ear, and comforted you as you cried.

"shhh, shhh. you're okay, baby. i'm here. not going anywhere, not again. i swear, i promise." he kissed your head, again and again. and that's how the two of you stayed for the rest of the night. in each other's safe arms.

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