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imagine meeting kol at the mikaelson ball

you glanced around the crowded atrium, taking a sip of your champagne as you shifted in your uncomfortable dress. it was an understatement to say you weren't used to the big fancy ball gown that you were forced to wear for the occasion.

damon and stefan had forced you into coming to the event, something about looking out for elena. but you hadn't seen any of the three of them, you were certain that you were here by yourself. all alone, drinking and wearing a massive dress. this wasn't your scene, not one bit.

with a sigh, you picked the soft material of your dress up and made your way back over to the drink table. your feet killed from the heels that damon forced you to wear and you were certain that you had started to develop blisters.

your drink was refilled with champagne and you soon swallowed the whole of it. you sighed and placed the glass back onto the table with a small bang, feeling the amount of alcohol you had consumed over the hour beginning to affect you "hello, darling." you were shocked to hear a confident voice and turned your head quickly.

he had dark hair and big chocolate brown eyes– a cocky demeanour radiating off of him and a british accent to suit. gorgeous. "hi." you replied shyly, looking down slightly when you noticed the way his eyes scanned across your figure and the way you looked in the dress.

"i'm kol." he introduced himself, running his hand through his dark hair and smiling at you, his lips turning into a smirk when you made eye contact with him once again. he noticed the way the blush covered your cheeks, the affect of him simply looking you up and down "i have to say, you do look beautiful tonight." kol complimented, and you silently cursed him as your cheeks burned to a fiery red.

a smile covered your lips as you struggled to find the words to say "uhm... thank you." you paused, watching cautiously as he stepped closer, deciding himself that it was appropriate for him to brush the hair from your eyes. you didn't mind though, he looked even prettier from this angle. "you look handsome too." you replied, a smug look on his face as he took a sip of his champagne.

"i know." normally this type of comment would irritate you– especially from a man trying to... seduce you or something. but there was something about him, the way the corners of his deep chocolate eyes wrinkled whenever he smiled, or smirked for that matter. his confident and cocky words just made you flustered, made the butterflies in your stomach flutter. he was having an obvious affect on you "so, darling, what's your name?" he asked, his eyebrows rising at you.

you replied almost instantly "y/n." feeding kol's arrogance even more. not that you minded. you liked it, it suited him. he made it sexy.

kol smiled to himself, placing the glass down onto the table and standing up straight "y/n. how gorgeous. a pretty name to suit such a pretty face." he complimented, and in one swift movement he had offered his arm to you, confusing you until he spoke "would you like to dance, y/n?"

your cheeks flushed, and you quickly shook your head "i... i don't, i can't, dance." you stuttered out, kol watching in amusement– a smirk evident on his face as he watched you try and compose yourself. you were a blushing, stuttering mess. what was this boy doing to you?

"that's okay. i'll lead... i'm good at that." he winked at you, and you almost felt your knees go weak. you nodded almost instantly– you would've been certain he had compelled you to dance if it wasn't for the vervain necklace that hung constantly around your neck, due to the fact damon didn't trust any other vampires in town.

you allowed him to link his arm with yours and lead you to the dance floor "i'm sure you are." you replied, watching him smirk as he placed one hand on your waist and took your hand, interlocking your fingers together. whenever he touched your skin you felt bursts of electricity inside you, setting your skin on fire. kol could hear your heartbeat speed up whenever he did so.

the two of you began to dance, slowly and steadily. he guided you with ease, never once letting his eyes leave yours. apparently he sensed your nervousness and apprehension to dance– he wanted to calm you "you're okay. i'm leading, nothing will go wrong if you just follow me. okay, darling?" he spoke, his voice softer than before, which calmed your nerves almost instantly. you nodded and let him lead you, he was better at this than you thought he would be.

the two of you spent the rest of the night dancing and drinking – the more you drank, the even more you enjoyed his company. you were so caught up that you didn't even care that your friends were present.

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