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imagine klaus wakes you up after a nightmare and comforts you until you fall back into a deep sleep

"love! love wake up." klaus shouted, shaking you gently in an attempt to wake you from your nightmare. his fingers wrapped around your hand, squeezing carefully as your body shook in fear and screams escaped your mouth.

your eyes shot open and you found yourself sat up, face buried into klaus' chest. "it was simply a night terror, love. just a bad dream." he explained, his soft and gentle voice filling you with comfort "look at me, my angel." klaus lifted your chin gently with two fingers, so he could see into your tear filled eyes "i have got you in my arms, you are always safe and protected when i'm in your company. you have my word."

you nodded, the feeling of the hybrids warm palm pressed against your cheek and his thumb gently tracing your sculpted jawline bringing you great comfort. your eyes closed and you tilted your head, leaning onto him.

"come here, love." klaus gestured to his lap, tapping his knee. before you could move closer he had his arms wrapped delicately around your waist, picking you up and placing you back down onto his lap as if you weighed nothing. to him you didn't. you buried your head once again into his shirt, the material balled up in your hands "tell me what is going on in that pretty little head of yours, sweetheart. i am here to listen. you do know that, yes?" you nodded, earning a small smile from klaus "then let it all out. what happened in your nightmare?"

after a long pause, processing thoughts and memories from the dream you began to speak "you left, klaus. you were gone. and you left me a letter. it was exactly the same as those love letters you write me but... not. you were harsh and mean, blamed everything on me. before i could even confront you about the letter, you were gone. you had just left me in danger, unprotected..." you shuddered at the idea. you knew the only thing keeping you safe was klaus, as well as the rest of the mikaelson family who had taken you under their wing. without them you would be dead, long gone.

klaus frowned, playing with your hair in an attempt to soothe you "now, my y/n... you are aware of that fact that i would never do that to you, yes? i would never hurt you in that manner, never leave you. you are mine, i am yours. and that is how it will always be. forever and always."

your thoughts were on overdrive. hundreds and thousands of scenarios filling your mind each minute "but... what if we got separated. or... somebody killed you. i couldn't live with myself if you died trying to save me, niklaus." you paused, despite the serious nature of the conversation klaus was smiling. probably smiling at the fact you called him niklaus. he always liked that.

"extremely unlikely, y/n." klaus kissed your neck gently, his fingers trailing across your collar bones "i would never let that happen. even if i was not with you, do you really think my family would let you die? let me die? no. rebbekah would much rather let herself die than have you destroy my happiness with your death. deep down you know that. this silly dream has got into your head, that is all." he explained carefully, an attempt to rationalise your thoughts and stop your overthinking.

just listening to klaus' voice managed to calm you down. he spoke sense into you, controlled your thinking. "yeah... you're right, klaus." you nodded slowly, closing your eyes and leaning into his chest so you could listen to the hybrids heartbeat.

he rocked you back and forth gently, whispering in your ear and playing with your hair until you eventually fell asleep in his strong arms. he then tucked you under the duvet, pulling it up to your chin and kissing your forehead gently before moving your hair out of your face "goodnight, love"

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