on rainy days

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i added more characters to this preference, i will update the other chapters to include the same characters. what other characters should i add?

damon and yourself stay in bed all day– you watch romantic and emotional movies and damon pretends not to cry at them. you laugh at him when he denies it.

stefan likes to stay in the salvatore house library with you for the majority of the day. you read books to each other and you watch as he writes in his journal about you.

klaus stays in his art studio. he draws and paints– sometimes sketches of you, and sometimes not. every few hours he'll run excitedly to your room to show you his masterpiece.

jeremy and you go outside and mess around in the rain. you jump in puddles and often ending up falling over. afterwards you walk home and shower together to warm up, before cuddling on the couch and falling asleep in each other's arms.

enzo takes you on long walks. you hold hands and talk about all things deep and personal– the universe, the afterlife, everything.

elijah sits by the window with you on his lap. he reads poetry and shakespeare to you as you listen and watch the rain.

kol and you play childish games around the house. you play hide and seek and hide in big cupboards and rooms around the mikaelson mansion– kol always finds you.

kai always nags you to come outside and do fun stuff with him. after so many years of reliving the same day he loves to experience different weathers and events. although you hate the rain, you give in for him.

rebbekah bakes with you all day. you always end up playfully bickering and having a food fight. when the both of you are covered in flour and icing you shower together.

katherine and you stay inside and play board games. she always gets mad when she loses and accuses you of cheating. sometimes she even flips the monopoly board game over.

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