damon [ part 1 ]

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imagine: greaser 50s! damon asks you on a date to the school dance

for months damon salvatore had been attempting to talk to you, his friends wolf whistling and shouting compliments, as well as immature and in your mind inappropriate things about what damon wanted "to do to you." when his friends acted in this way he would sit, blushing slightly and playing with the collar of his leather jacket before pushing his friends and telling them to shut up, that they were embarrassing him.

you ignored them, assuming they were joking, acting in this way to mock and embarrass you, get a reaction from you. you sat at a lunch table by yourself, reading a copy of shakespeare's 'romeo and juliet' and swinging your legs. loud voices and footsteps began to approach you, before a boy sat opposite you, wearing a leather jacket and smiling "hello love, the name's enzo." he, enzo, smirked at you, holding his hand out and waiting for you to take it. instead, you rolled your eyes, looking back down at your book.

"leave her, enzo!" another voice shouted. you glanced up from your book and watched as damon salvatore grabbed enzo's wrist and pulled him up from the table, pushing him in the direction of where their other friends stood. enzo laughed loudly, insisting it was just a joke before running off to join the other boys "sorry about him, enzo can be a bit... much sometimes." damon smiled, bending down and leaning his arms on the table.

you shrugged, going to stand up and watching damon just as curiously as he was watching you "uh, why are you sat by yourself? if you don't mind me asking." he questioned, glancing around before taking your book from your hand, glancing at the cover and raising his eyebrows before sitting in the seat opposite you.

"who would i be sitting with?" a quiet reply escaped your mouth as you snatched the book back and placed it into your rucksack which sat on the seat next to you. damon watched you, shrugging and slowly thinking of an answer, considering his words before replying. 

"well," he smiled, a warm, friendly and inviting smile "a boyfriend. a best friend perhaps." you found yourself laughing at his assumptions. best friend? unlikely. boyfriend? impossible. wasn't gonna happen, not for a long while yet at least. you doubt your parents would allow you to date anyone, and it's not as if anyone wanted to date you. he watched you laughing, and found himself giggling too "what's so funny, y/n?"

you giggled, tucking your hair behind your ear and feeling the laughter wear off "i... lets say, i enjoy my own company. or everyone else enjoys the company when i'm not there. something like that." you nodded, noticing the fact that damon was staring at you in an intense manner, his eyes seeming to pierce right through you. you looked down at the table to avoid the eye contact.

"i'm enjoying your company though..." damon said, smirking as you looked up at him, your cheeks unfortunately burning red at his comment "and what about the boyfriend? i'm sure i know a boy who would love to date you." you rolled your eyes at the comment, aware of the fact he was referring to himself.

"even if i liked him, my parents wouldn't allow me to date anyone. they're very... protective. but it's not like i'm unable to look after myself. i can protect myself just fine. they're frustrating. sometimes i just want to date someone to see their reactions, just to know i've annoyed them." you found yourself ranting, and blushed when you noticed and realised damon was watching in amusement "sorry..."

"well, y/n. i would be excellent at pissing your parents off." damon smiled, watching as your cheeks once again erupted into a rosy blush "starting this friday. there's a school dance, and you're coming with me. i'll pick you up." he said simply, standing from the table and smiling down at you. you watched him with wide eyes, he didn't give you much of a choice in the matter, but you found yourself not caring. blushing and watching as damon salvatore threw his bag over his shoulder and headed towards where enzo and stefan were sat.

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