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imagine you and klaus get into a heated argument– he takes it too far and scares you

you watched as klaus paced in front of the large fireplace, listening to the sound of his heavy footsteps over the crackling flames. he sighed to himself, a hand on his chin– he was deep in thought, paying zero attention to you, the state of your relationship and how you felt after weeks of him ignoring you. disregarding your feelings to work on his latest evil scheme.

"klaus." your lips parted to reveal a quiet voice, almost frightened to bring attention to yourself after so long of being ignored. an annoyed sigh escaped his lips as he turned to you, as if you were an inconvenience.

he looked you up and down, a look of disgust on his face at the fact you had the audacity to interrupt him from his frantic thoughts "you interrupted me, y/n. i was thinking and you interrupted me." klaus turned his back to you in order to face the fire, watching as the flames arose from the firewood "what do you need?" he questioned impatiently.

your cheeks grew flushed as you came to terms with the fact that right now he just didn't care "do you have any idea what i'm feeling right now, klaus? – no. no you don't. because you never even bother to ask me how i'm doing anymore." you ranted, the pace of the words you spoke picking up as your voice started to shake a little "you have no idea what it's like to be shoved away for your latest plot... it hurts, klaus! it hurts so bad."

klaus shook his head frantically "you are being dramatic, y/n. you understand how important this is to me, yes? be a good girl and run along for me– please stop trying to interfere." he replied, rage beginning to creep in at the thought of your disapproval of him. although deep down he knew you were right, he knew he was pushing you away.

"no!" a scream fell from your lips as you took slow but angry steps towards the hybrid, who was glaring at you– if looks could kill you would be six feet under "stop doing that! stop infantilising me, it won't work... i am not a child, i won't be treated like one." you spat out, watching as the angered expression covering his features grew. this wasn't your klaus, this wasn't him. your klaus was lovely and sweet and protective– loyal and kindhearted. but he was obsessive, once he had an idea in his head he simply couldn't let it go.

he took a deep breath, a laugh escaping his lips despite the fact he wasn't amused "don't push me, alright love? just accept that some things are more important as of now." klaus smiled a sickly sweet grin before turning away from you– allowing you to face just his back.

you scoffed, struggling to control your anger at this point "don't push you?" a hysterical laugh escaped you as you weakly pushed him from behind– he didn't budge, seeing as he was an original. but it angered him even more so as you continued to attempt to push him "how's this for pushing you? huh niklaus? you're pathetic. you know that? pushing me away, the person you're in love with, the one you would do anything for. pathetic." you spat.

after taking a deep breath in an attempt to compose himself, he turned to face you– your eyes locking "calm down... just stop. stop talking." his voice was barely a whisper– he was bored and growing impatient of your actions, of the way the two of you bickered constantly.

"or what?" you questioned, raising an eyebrow at him. he was much taller than you, you had never really noticed it until now. until you were arguing with a powerful original who could kill you faster than you would realise "are you gonna kill me? stick a dagger in my heart like you do to your siblings?"

and that was the final straw for klaus, before you knew it he had a hand wrapped around your throat. he used his speed and strength to push you back, your back hit the wall with a slam, making you wince at the pain that surged through your body. you grimaced slightly "i said stop talking!" klaus screamed, tightening his grip. his breathing deep and heavy as you struggled to even catch a breath.

you were beginning to bruise already, feeling a burning sensation in your neck "k-klaus," you coughed out, stuttering and pausing "you're hurting me..." you managed to say, your eyes growing heavy– his face fell. he realised what he was doing and ripped his hand away from your skin. your weak and somewhat limp body fell, but he caught you before you could hit the ground.

"i'm sorry..." klaus spoke, brushing your hair from your eyes. tears began to fall from him as he watched the bruising on your neck slowly appear, bruises in the shape of his finger prints "my sweet sweet y/n, do forgive me. i beg you. i didn't mean to hurt you... i'm trying to keep you safe, keep you out of the danger." he paused for a moment, and you watched carefully as he glanced away from you, a pained expression covering his features "it appears i'm much more dangerous to you than all the things i was supposedly protecting you from."

after hesitating for a moment, you weakly placed your hand on his face, feeling his stubble against your palm as you gently titled his head towards you so that you could gaze into his pretty eyes "you need to let me in." you whispered, your voice still somewhat croaky– both from your injuries and the tears that still escaped you.

he nodded, cradling you in his arms as the guilt consumed him. he had never felt this way before – he never wanted to feel it again. he knew he had to protect you, from the dangers of the world, his enemies, but most importantly himself.

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