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imagine: you and klaus just got into your first big argument

you sat in your room, and you sobbed and sobbed and sobbed. you were crying so hard your ears were ringing and your head seemed to spin. you had been dating klaus for a few months and you had just faced your first big argument together. it got messy, and you both spoke words you didn't exactly mean. nasty, harsh, even unforgivable words that couldn't be taken back. no matter how much you wished that you hadn't said them.

you wanted to go back, to change what had happened. but could the situation have been altered? klaus was in an awful mood. he wouldn't listen, he wouldn't change. not for you. and in your mind, it felt as if he wanted an argument. like he wanted to make you hurt. but deep down you knew it wasn't true.

you felt yourself falling asleep, cuddling one of klaus' shirts, letting the tears escape your body, cascade down your cheeks. now this was an all time low, even for you. you were crying yourself to sleep.

you had almost fallen into a deep sleep when you felt your mattress dip underneath you as a new weight sat beside you. klaus.

"my darling y/n... are you alright?" he took your hand gently in his, rubbing soothing patterns into your hand with his thumb. frowning as he looked down at you. realising how bad what he said had hurt you. you shook your head and closed your eyes shut. you didn't want to see him right now.

"i am a fool, my love. you have to understand that. i was in a foul mood. i let my temper get the best of me..." he paused to bring his hand to your face and carefully cup your cheek "you are precious, my angel. the love of my life. my intentions were never to hurt you with such vulgar language. and i understand that i cannot simply make your pain go away completely. but i can apologise, again and again and again. until you understand that i will never be that cruel again. i am here to love and protect you. not to hurt you. not again. alright love?"

you nodded without thinking. how could you say no to that? he was so convincing and he expressed his love in such delicate gentle words that it was difficult not to forgive him. you had to hold yourself back from crawling into his lap and sobbing into his chest and crying about how relieved you are. you couldn't lose him. he was your one true love, your protector. your everything. you were not willing to give up everything over one stupid argument.

"my poor hurting angel." klaus sighed and carefully pulled you into his lap, gently stroking your hair, rocking you back and forth in an attempt to calm you. "i swear to never again hurt you like that again, love. i promise you." you looked into his eyes and felt yourself calm down almost entirely, taking a deep breath and smiling as your foreheads rested against each other. klaus gently kissed you, allowing lips to press against yours.

"i love you." you say quietly, he tucks your hair behind your ear and his lips spread into a small smile. he knew he hadn't lost you. he knew he couldn't lose you. you were in love with each other. a love you would both fight for until the end.

"and i love you. forever and always."

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