damon + stefan

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request from @totoroislit

you groaned, clutching your neck as you walked through the door of the salvatore house. blood seeped through the cracks of your knuckles – dripping onto the floor with each step that you took.

"damon?" you croaked out, your voice hoarse and weak "stefan..." the words cracked– you coughed, blood splattering from the back of your throat and falling onto your white shirt.

you felt as if your legs wouldn't hold your weight up for much longer – and that you would collapse onto the hard wooden flooring, furthering the severity of your injuries.

the scent of metallic blood instantly filled the salvatore brother's nostrils, making stefan curious with greed and immediately filling damon with concern. stefan couldn't help the hunger and urges that he fell under once met with the aroma– but he knew it wasn't a good sign. he could shake away the temptation just for you.

within seconds, damon had rushed down the steep sets of stairs. he used his supernatural speed to be by your side so quickly "y/n!" he called, worry evident in his voice as he picked you up from the ground. stefan soon entered the room, his eyebrows furrowed as he took in the scene unravelling before him.

"she needs vampire blood. we can heal her. i can heal her." damon mumbled under his breath, placing you onto the soft fabric of the couch. he was immediately taking the role of leader– whereas stefan gawped at the situation for a minute or so. the burning sensation in his throat was overwhelming at the very least.

stefan disappeared for a moment, before returning with a clean cloth and placing it to the wound that your neck sported "it's her choice, damon..." he mumbled, pushing your blood stained hair away from the wound.

damon rolled his eyes, watching as stefan scanned your body for any more signs of cuts or bruises "who did this to you?" he questioned. you closed your eyes tight, ignoring his question. was now really the right time for an investigation into which of the many vampires in mystic falls bit you?

"i'm just saying– i don't want y/n dead. especially not on our couch. it's bad enough she's bleeding out onto it, but i don't want her dead on it." damon rambled on, persistent with the idea of biting into his wrist and allowing you to drink the blood which would leak from it. you didn't want this. vampires and other supernatural creatures had already had a somewhat negative impact in your life– you didn't want their blood healing you.

stefan sighed to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head "it's not our choice, damon." he paused for a moment, pulling the blood soaked cloth away from your neck for a moment before placing it straight back "go and get the first aid box, please."

"since when did we have a first aid box?" he didn't want to go– but he obeyed his younger brothers commands anyway, leaving the room and rummaging through all the cupboards in the house in search of a first aid box which he wasn't entirely sure existed.

he watched the raven haired vampire leave the room, before turning his gaze back to you, you stared back into his eyes "we'll patch you up, don't worry about it." he forced a smile across his pink lips, seemingly reading your mind and understanding your thought process entirely.

you shrugged, shifting uncomfortably on the furniture "sorry to turn up all damsel in distress like." you forced a laugh out and stefan did the same, a small sound vibrating from his lungs

"you? damsel in distress like? never." he joked, giggling to himself as he pressed onto your wound a little harder in an attempt to stop the blood flow. he was referencing to the amount of times you had seemed to get caught in the crossfire. no matter what the creature was – vampires ; wolves ; witches. you always seemed to get hurt.

before you could reply, damon walked back in. he tossed the small box to stefan and sat opposite you. he didn't say anything until stefan peeled the cloth away from your neck completely. blood soaked onto the fabric, seeping through to the other side. damon noticed his younger brothers discomfort and stepped forward "hey, i'll do it." he smiled, nodding at stefan and taking the cloth from his hand. stefan nodded, he looked a little startled but took a step back anyway.

"you still don't want any blood, huh?" damon double checked, removing the anti bacterial wipes and other items he would need to clean you up from the box "not even a little witchy woo? a healing potion, a spell! we could call bon bon over." he teased, already aware of your reply.

you spoke through gritted teeth, shaking your head "not a chance, damon." a smirk covered his lips despite the severity of the situation. he just couldn't help teasing and winding you up.

he just shrugged, pressing the wipe to your skin carefully "sorry." he whispered under his breath, aware of how much this would hurt. it stung– it stung really fucking bad. but you closed your eyes tightly shut and ignored the tears that were forming.

stefan looked away, unable to watch a situation where you were in so much pain. he knew there was no possible alternative. it's not as if you would've accepted the vampire blood– the only way you would've drank it would have been if the two brothers rammed it down your throat.

but after a minute or so, the pain was over. and damon was attaching a large white bandaid over the area. he wasn't entirely sure what he was doing– or if this would make the condition of your neck worse, but he guessed it was the right thing to do. it was what you wanted.

you opened your eyes to see stefan shoving two painkillers and a bottle of water into your hand "drink." he commanded, and you did as he said. sitting up a little and forcing the two pills down your throat with a small swallow of water.

"pretty sure she needs something stronger than that." he joked– earning a small giggle from you and an eye roll from stefan, who watched disapprovingly as his brother poured himself a small glass of bourbon and drank it in one go "that was stressful, to say the least."

"think about how i feel." you responded snappily, both boys laughing to themselves at your blunt response.

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