damon [ part 2 ]

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you watched yourself in the mirror, nervously smoothing your soft dress out and taking a deep breath. damon would arrive at any moment now.

your parents were mad, they reacted in the way you assumed they would when you told them about the dance... about the fact a boy was taking you to a dance. they asked you one hundred and one questions about him. how old is he? what does he look like? you tried to tell them as little as possible, knowing the less they knew about damon the better.

you began to head downstairs, placing your hand on the rail and taking slow and gentle steps in your small heels. a knock came from your front door and you watched from the middle stair as your dad walked over to the door, angrily throwing it open to see a cocky damon salvatore, a cigarette hanging from his lips as he smirked at your father "and you are?" your dad questioned, already knowing he was your date, but deciding to deliberately be difficult.

"the one and only damon salvatore." damon chuckled to himself, tossing the cigarette outside and standing on it with his heavy boot "where's y/n? is she here?" he questioned, placing a hand on either side of the door way. it's not like he could come in without an invitation. before your dad had a chance to answer his question you ran down the stairs, careful not to trip in your heels.

"right here." you said from behind your dad, watching in amusement as damon's jaw dropped at the sight of you in your dress. he smiled, seeming to be lost for words for once "ready to go?" you questioned, gently pushing past your dad to meet damon in the front garden. he nodded and took your hand in his, waving goodbye cockily to your dad and leading you to his car. he opened the door for you, making you giggle "what a gentleman."

the car ride to the school was full of laughter and slightly tipsy compliments. damon was sneaking alcohol into the school dance (typical bad boy) and was letting you sip from one of the bottles of bourbon he had with him. he laughed as you took a big swig from the bottle and began spluttering on it immediately "never drunk before?" he questioned, which lead you to shake your head. he smirked, glancing over at you before turning back to the road "wow. i really am a bad influence on you huh?"

you giggled, leaning back in your seat and taking another sip of the drink "something like that." you smiled, your eyes seeming to be fixated on damon.

by the time you had made it to the school, you were tipsy and stumbling a little. damon helped keep you up by wrapping his arm protectively around your waist and keeping you close to his side at all times. although you were sure you could walk and that damon was using your slight drunkenness as an excuse to hold you, you were happy to have and feel him close.especially as people were staring, some muttering things. damon told them to fuck off whenever they said anything harsh, at one point covering your ears and leading you in the other direction.

you noticed enzo from across the hall standing with stefan. you assumed damon would lead you over to his friends but instead he just waved, keeping his distance. they did the same back, seeming to understand that damon wanted time alone with you.

it was surprising to you that damon and yourself were getting along this well. there was a lot more to him than his tough greaser exterior. he was sweet and gentle, as well as very protective of you. you almost felt bad for ignoring him for this long, for making assumptions and listening to stereotypes but you knew you did it to protect yourself, and damon knew this too.

a slow dance began playing, and damon glanced at you. he seemed shy and somewhat tense "do you want to dance? with me?" he asked, putting his hand out for you to take. you nodded, gently taking his hand and allowing him to pull you onto the dance floor. he lead the dance, his hand on your waist feeling like electricity, and butterflies clear in your stomach.

"where did you learn to dance like this, damon?" you asked, trying to ignore the blush which was certainly clear on your cheeks. he shrugged, insisting it was nothing, but you knew otherwise. you could tell by the way he lead the dance with ease, unlike the other boys, who happened to be stumbling into each other, treading on their partners feet. they were a mess, but damon? damon danced gracefully.

the song eventually came to an end, but damon didn't let go of your hand, didn't let his hand fall from where it sat on your waist. he stared into your eyes, and you stared back into his piercing blue eyes. damon began to lean closer to you "can i kiss you?" he questioned, and you nodded slowly. he tilted his head gently and kissed you, a slow and gentle kiss. a perfect first kiss.

your stomach erupted in butterflies as damon kissed you. it felt as if it was just the two of you in the room. nothing else mattered in that moment, just damon's lips on yours. and when he eventually leant away you felt disappointed, but that soon left when you saw the look on his face. he was smiling, a sweet and gentle smile "lets go." he whispered, taking your hand and leading you off of the dance floor.

you were shocked. damon salvatore had kissed you. you. damon salvatore was sweet and gentle and kind. and he had kissed you.

your lips spread into a smile and you giggled as you sat at the table, damon sitting opposite you "what's funny?" he questioned, a smile on his own face as he leant his chin on his hand and watched you.

"you really are a bad influence. first drink from you, first kiss from you. my dad is going to kill you." you explained, giggling and watching as damon giggled too.

"and it'll be worth it."

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