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imagine: damon is compelled by klaus to stay away from you and not speak to you until klaus says so. it stays this way for years and even though it had been years without communication you still constantly thought of each other. you see each other after over 10 years – the compulsion was broken but damon didn't know how or where to find you

you sat at the bar, swirling the alcohol in the glass round and round again. not really caring enough to drink it at this point. you were bored, tired, miserable. and it got to the point where drinking made it worse.

every night, you'd sit at a bar attempting to drink the memories away– although the drink just reminded you of him even more. the way he would come home from a long day and pour you and himself a shot of bourbon. how he would drink it straight from the bottle and offer you some too.

you missed him. you missed your damon. this was all klaus mikaelson's fault. son of a bitch. sending away the love of your life, shattering your heart into a million pieces. you were starting to think that you would never get over him. after all, he was your soulmate. your one true love, you needed him. and he needed you.

you let your head fall, resting it on the hard and cold counter with your eyes clamped shut. a headache beginning to creep in and the music that was playing was becoming way too loud. it was all too much, too overwhelming. you just wanted to fade away from the bar, fade away from the people. fade away from your lonely life perhaps.

could you give up? no. as if damon would let you give up if he was there. he always had a positive outlook when he was with you, only for you. only for the two of you. he knew that you both had a bright future together. a bright long and happy future. forever and always, you promised that. but that wasn't going to happen unless klaus was in a coffin with a dagger in his cold heart. dead and shut away from the world, forbidden from interfering with anyone's life ever again. it's what he deserved.

"someone's had too much to drink." a cocky voice arose from the stall beside you, sounding way too familiar for you to like "a shot of bourbon please."

your heart almost stopped beating. you could feel your hands shaking. that couldn't be him, it wasn't damon right? how could it be? the compulsion wasn't lifted... as far as you knew anyway.

"you know, i suggest you stop drinking if you're just going to sit there with your head dow-" he began, but was cut short when you lifted your head. locking eyes with him. locking eyes with damon. your damon. his ocean eyes filled with tears and without speaking he pulled you close. holding you tight to his chest, as if he would never let go. allowing himself to bury his face in your neck, breathe in your scent and let out a happy breath as he rubbed your back.

"y/n... i can't believe you're here. i've been looking for you. all over. i started in mystic falls and i've been working my around the country." he pulled away from the embrace and smiled, gently moving your hair from your eyes "look at you... wow. just as beautiful, if not more, than i remembered."

you smiled, giggling slightly and looking down "i missed you damon, i missed you so much." you felt a lump in your throat from the tears you were choking back. damon pulled you into another embrace, locking his fingers into your soft hair and holding you close.

"don't cry. you're okay. we're okay. i'm here now. and we're gonna be okay. i promise." damon whispered gently, before pressing a careful kiss to your neck. "i love you, you know? i love you i love you i love you."

you smiled, feeling a few tears fall from your eyes onto your cheeks "god, i've missed hearing that. i love you too damon. forever and always. i will love you forever and always."

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