on a bad day

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damon cuddles you, he kisses you all over and holds you tightly in his arms. he doesn't leave you alone all day.

stefan takes you out on a trip to distract you from your thoughts. he takes you on long drives.

klaus keeps his distance for awhile before bombarding you with paintings and sketches of you and covering you in kisses.

jeremy plays video games with you to take your mind off things. you win the games and surprise him.

enzo plays guitar for you. you sit in bed and he makes you laugh by telling jokes and singing deliberately bad.

elijah doesn't seem to understand that you sometimes just want to be alone. he will often follow you around the house, peeping his head around doors to ask if you're okay. you think the gesture is sweet.

kol always knows when you're in a bad mood– when you're upset or feeling irritable. you don't even need to say anything, he just knows. when he realises, he always wraps his arms around you and kisses your neck before asking if you wanted to talk about your feelings.

kai does everything possible to try and make you laugh. after his cheesy and somewhat unfunny jokes don't seem to work, he challenges you to a tickle fight.

rebekah runs the two of you a hot bubble bath. you sit together and drink champagne while opening up to each other– sharing your feelings and retelling nostalgic stories.

katherine comforts you all day. you sit on her lap and watch movies while she kisses your neck and holds your hand.

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