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imagine you're a vampire dating and fighting with human jeremy over him picking danger over you time and time again

"jeremy! listen, please. i am not going to let you do this. you're gonna end up dead and you know it!" you tugged on his arm as he attempted to walk away from you, a plead for him to face you, speak to you properly, like the adults you were supposed to be.

"i have to do this. i don't care what you say or think, y/n. i am doing this for my sister! for her boyfriend. for her family, my family. they're all i have left." jeremy sighed, hesitantly turning to face you. he was frustrated, and held the vervain cross bow in his hands so tightly his knuckles were beginning to turn a white shade.

you felt your heart drop to your stomach "they're all you have left?" laughing nervously, you scoffed. you couldn't believe what he was saying. he was picking the salvatore brothers over you. "what am i then? since when was damon salvatore of all people prioritised over me?"

his free hand pinched the bridge of his nose. he was stressed. not stressed over the clear strain this argument was having on your relationship. stress because he just wanted to be in danger, live in danger. be reckless. he wanted to prove himself worthy to elena and the salvatore brothers she kept all to herself "now you know that's not what i meant..."

"well what am i supposed to think jeremy? this fight has absolutely nothing to do with us. nothing at all. you don't have to get involved... and you won't get involved, right?" you brought your hand to his face, gently cupping his cheek and letting your thumb stroke his soft skin "i understand you want to help your sister but, i think three vampires can handle this situation. don't you think?"

jeremy grabbed you by the wrist, pulling your hand from his face "stop it, y/n! just fucking stop. why can't you understand that i want to help my family?" he questioned, his wide frame leaning over you, his anger scaring you despite the fact you were a vampire, definitely a lot stronger than your boyfriend "never . tell . me . what . to . do. got it?"

tears filled your eyes, spilling over your sockets onto your cheeks. you let them flow, wanting him to be aware of the stress, pain and hurt he was causing you "how dare you? i'm just trying to protect you. keep you safe." you explained, wrapping your arms around yourself nervously.

"y/n... i'm not trying to hurt you. you're hurting me. i just want to keep them safe and happy, that's all. you know they mean a lot to me." he sighed, pulling you into a warm embrace. you closed your eyes and leant against his chest, sighing as you breathed in his scent.

"jeremy... it's always going to be them over me. isn't it? you're always going to pick danger over me. i think you like it, i think you prefer the thrill of danger to being with me, at home, safe and secure and happy." you looked up at him, enjoying how safe you felt in his protective and strong arms. he nodded slowly, you let a frown cross your lips. "but why? am i not... good enough for you?" you questioned.

a sharp stabbing pain suddenly shot through your arm, making you scream. your eyes felt heavy. vervain. your little fucker of a boyfriend had injected you with vervain. so much for true love.

"maybe you never were." he kissed your forehead gently, carefully laying your body onto the ground. your eyes fighting to stay open as jeremy reached for his vervain crossbow and headed for the door. opening it, and leaving without a second thought for you. he left you there, on the cold wooden floor, in agony as the pain overtook you. your eyes fell shut, his words playing in your head torturously. maybe you never were.

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