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imagine: you are kidnapped, held hostage and used to feed vampires. stefan saves you before it's too late

you pulled your arms and legs at the restraints, the torn and sharp rope tearing at your skin like daggers, causing blood to dribble out of fresh deep wounds. your neck was covered in bite marks and you blinked slowly as you tried to stay awake. the room spun quick and you attempted to bite down on the cloth restricting you from talking, from screaming, from making it any easier for anyone to find you. you lost more and more blood each second. and your eyelids were falling. you were close to giving up. you wanted to give up.

you drifted in and out of consciousness, you were losing too much blood, that was obvious now. from the marks on your wrists and your ankles, from the multiple bite wounds. blood just kept escaping your body, you were exhausted. you could barely bring yourself to struggle at this point. your time was running out and you knew it.

your eyes closed, for what you assumed would be the last time ever. you were too tired to open them again. and why would you? you weren't gonna see anything worth seeing. you weren't gonna see stefan. god, stefan. all you could think about was stefan. it hurt your heart to think about the face he'd unintentionally make when he'd find out you were dead. the way his eyes would fill with tears instantly, the way his pretty little lips would drop downwards into a heartbroken, disbelieving frown. he'd break. he'd spiral and turn into the ripper again, something he had fought so hard to prevent.

you were so caught up in your own thoughts that you failed to notice the hands pulling the rope free from around your wrists and ankles. in your mind you could hear stefan, but you couldn't exactly make out what he was saying let alone bring yourself to form words.

"oh god. y/n! y/n! fuck. baby i'm here. it's me, it's stefan. you're gonna be okay. you're gonna be fine, we're gonna be fine. i'll get you out of here and you'll be okay... you'll be okay, please be okay!" he shouted, panicked but convincing. although it seemed more as if he was attempting to convince himself rather than you. he was on the verge of tears. you could tell by the pain that laced his voice.

you were hauled into stefan's protective arms, he held you closely, biting his wrist and bringing it to your mouth. he gently parted your lips in an attempt to encourage your seemingly lifeless body to drink. "baby... baby. please." you felt his tears fall upon your face as he begged you "drink. god dammit y/n, drink! please... don't leave me. you can't leave me."

weakly, you began to drink the blood from his wrist, your hands clinging onto your arm like your life depended on it. which it did.

stefan gasped, a smile covering his lips. "there we go. good. good girl. you're doing so well." he put a hand on the back of your head, encouraging you to drink more. as much as you needed to help you survive this.

your eyelids fluttered open and you let go of his wrist, blood trailing from your lips. stefan smiled, a gentle, caring and relieved smile. god. he was so relieved you were back he was at a loss for words "y/n.... i thought i'd lost you. i thought you had gone forever." he brought his finger your mouth and gently wiped away the traces of blood from the corners of your lips.

you didn't answer. although he had healed you, prevented your death, you still felt weak. maybe emotionally. the events were traumatic, and you didn't know what to think, what to do, how to react. you were just glad to be back where you were safest. in stefan's arms.

you closed your eyes and cuddled against his chest, letting him pull you close and place a gentle kiss on your forehead "let's get you home." stefan spoke calmly, getting to his feet and holding you tight to him as he began to walk. you were safe, he was safe. you were going back, to the salvatore home. where you felt safest. and in your heart you knew everything was going to be okay.

just like stefan had said.

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