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imagine: human! damon is fighting in the civil war, you have received a letter saying he will return home soon and you're awaiting his arrival at your home.

you held your breath as your corset was tightened even further by bonnie "that really is quite tight..." you gasped as she gave it one more harsh pull "damon doesn't care for all this stuff anyway." you reasoned, looking into the mirror and straightening out your dress "he does think i am beautiful– just the way i am that is. he loves me."

"i am sure he does, miss salvatore. but you need to look your best upon his arrival. you know that." she explained, gently turning you with her hands to take a better look at your dress "it is a beautiful dress, mr salvatore is going to love it."

you nodded, looking into the mirror and doing a small spin to watch how the dress erupted around you "i should hope so. but as i said, damon does not care for materialistic things such as this, he cares for me." bonnie nodded, she didn't believe you. it was unusual for men to treat their wives in the way damon did, and he was often looked down upon for that. it was true love, and it always had been, nothing could change that.

"thank you, bonnie. you may go. if you could knock when damon is close to arriving that would be great." you requested,  smiling as she nodded and left the room, taking slow footsteps to the door and gently closing it behind her.

you carefully sat on the armchair in the corner of the room, the small wooden box filled with your husbands letters in. carefully, you took them out of the box, unfolding the paper and reading the most recent one.

to my dearest love y/n,

i am so happy to inform you that i will be returning home soon, with many stories to tell. as well as a lot of unused love and embraces to give to you.

i cannot explain how much i have missed you, you will not leave my mind. you're the first thing to cross my mind when i awake, and the last thing when my eyes shut at night.

i will see you soon.

–your one love, damon

tears filled your eyes as you folded the fragile paper back into a square and placed it into the box. you gently placed the lid onto the box and held it on your lap. you were so glad he was safe, happy, just excited to see you again as you were to see him.

soft hands wrapped around the upper half of your face, covering your eyes and causing you to flinch. a gasp escaping your lips, panicking until a soothing, soft and gentle voice slowed your heart rate "guess who, my lovely." damon. it was damon.

a smile spread across your lips and you practically jumped from the chair, straight into damon's strong arms. he smelt the same as you remembered, and you deeply breathed in his scent as you buried your face into his chest. he was still in his uniform, the one he looked so handsome, perfect even, in.

he kept his arms tightly around you, careful rocking the two of you from side to side in a gentle pattern. there were tears in your eyes as you pulled your head from his chest to gently press your lips against his. damon smiled into the kiss, resting his forehead against yours "i have missed you ever so much, damon." you admitted, smiling as he stared into your eyes "i sit here every single day, rereading the letters you have sent me, awaiting the day that i would see you again."

"i am here now. no need to worry." damon pecked your lips once more, holding you tight in his arms, where you belonged. you felt safe and secure, and so did he. the way the two of you always felt around each other.

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