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[requested by @solarreclipse ]

kai was a sociopath, and it wasn't surprising. at least it didn't surprise you. why would it? he was trapped in a prison world for most of his life without human contact, without any voice other than his own, simply himself lost in his own imagination and thoughts. stuck in the overwhelming deafening silence that always followed. that had to have taken a toll on his mind.

but when it came to you, things were different. kai felt... something towards you. something he hadn't ever felt, or maybe just not for a long long time. he couldn't put it into words, couldn't possibly name the emotion, but he knew that he had the overwhelming desire to protect you, keep you safe and out of harms way.

not that kai would admit it, and why would he? this was all new to him. he had never cared before, caring wasn't exactly a word that you would describe a boy who cut organs from his siblings with. no... and it never crossed his mind that you could possibly ever feel the same way. did other humans even feel this way? were they all the same?

you just weren't like him.

so when he received a call from you he was shocked, surprised but also, excited? kai couldn't exactly pinpoint the emotion that he was feeling, but he was aware that it was somewhat positive. until you began to explain the reason behind you calling "kai." you gasped out before his lips even had the chance to part and speak your name.

his heartbeat began to race, but he attempted to keep his cool and cocky demeanour "you don't sound too good, y/n..." he blurted out, instantly rolling his eyes at his own attempt at arrogance. come on. his sarcastic tone usually flowed, rolled off of his tongue with ease. why was it so different when it came to you?

"thanks sherlock." you replied quick, not struggling like kai with a witty response, even with the pain that you were in "i need your help. i'm in a bit of a uh... situation. salvatore brothers, long story. stefan's unhinged again or something." you attempted to explain but ended up fumbling a little with your words in your rush to tell kai "please just hurry. i'm at home. you know the address, kai." a final plead escaped your lips before you hung up the phone, leaving kai's anxious thoughts regarding the situation to go into overdrive.

fuck. what the hell did 'situation' mean?

without hesitating even once, kai had rushed out of the door, running from the house to his car and jumping in it as quick as he could. despite the lashing rain which fell in large droplets against the windows, he dangerously sped to your home, skidding past corners and earning loud honks from surrounding cars. typical reckless kai.

he practically invited himself into your home, using his magic to swing open the door and allow him to enter. you stared up at him from your seat with wide and curious eyes as the door slammed on the weather behind him, and kai took steps towards you "are you okay?" his voice was soft, taking you by surprise.

"i will be..." you paused for a second, watching kai with curious eyes as he took a seat beside you and scanned your body for blood and bruises. your fists were covered in leaking cuts and purple shaded marks. you sure did put up a fight, no matter the scenario "the bleeding from that lovely bite stefan gave me has mostly stopped now." you spoke, watching as kai's eyes fell to your neck.

with gentle fingers, he gently pulled the neck of your shirt away from your skin, grimacing as he took in the sight of your torn skin, oozing with blood "you need to be more careful. you're just... human." kai admitted, cringing at himself slightly. after spending so many years without emotions, it was blatantly obvious whenever his voice had even the slightest hint of emotion in. you picked up on it too. how could you not? "where's the first aid kit?"

kai got to his feet and followed your instructions to the kitchen, where he retrieved the first aid bag from the cupboard and unzipped it. he searched inside for the right anti infection cleaners, the bandages that would prevent you from losing any more blood than already.

you couldn't help but smile to yourself as kai ran back in, first aid supplies cradled in his arms before he dumped them onto the coffee table. you watched as a roll of bandages fell onto the floor "what's up with you?" your eyes narrowed as you stared at him. something was up. he was... different "where's my kai gone?"

he felt his heart jump at the phrase 'my kai' but pushed the feeling to the back of his mind "why am i helping, you mean?" he looked up from where he was sat on the floor, you nodded for him to continue as he began cleaning the cuts on your knuckles. a wince escaped your lips, to which kai gently shushed "i didn't have much of a choice, you called me all damsel in distress like."

as amusing as this comment was, you shook your head "something is different, kai. i can tell... i know you." kai didn't answer, suddenly very interested in wrapping the bandage around your damaged knuckle "was it... the merge? do you think you absorbed... luke's feelings?" you questioned, watching as kai's jaw tightened at your words.

after quickly recovering and composing himself, he spoke "nah. you know me, just as sociopathic as ever." he replied defensively. you almost rolled your eyes, aware just of how wrong he was.

"feelings aren't bad kai... emotions aren't. they're difficult to process sometimes, hard to understand. but that doesn't make them bad." you paused, meeting eyes with kai as he gently dropped your now bandaged knuckles "they're difficult for everyone. everybody struggles."

kai found himself scoffing at you and your words, your attempt to bring him comfort "everybody struggles... not everyone is a boy who was banished to a prison word for the majority of their life. not everyone attempted to murder their siblings... did it never occur to you that i'm not even aware of the basics of emotion, y/n. and that's why it makes it so damn difficult to understand why you, of all people, are bringing them back!" he lost his patience quickly, his words tumbling out one after another without any thought.

you struggled to find the right words to respond, your mouth fell open as you watched kai with wide eyes "kai... I didn't know."  the words stuttered out of your mouth and before you knew it he had got to his feet, turning away and beginning to walk towards the door "i feel the same."

kai froze in his tracks, unable to even comprehend the surge of excitement that fell through his body, he turned to you "i... i think i, i like you!"

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