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imagine you and kai are dating secretly. you don't want your friends to find out as you are aware they'd disapprove.

you threw the last punch before wrapping your hand around the large wooden stake which laid beside you. you watched as the sharp wood tore through the vampires skin– plummeting into their heart and almost instantly killing them. blood began to ooze from the incision, soaking the fabric of their shirt in the ruby red liquid. their skin soon grew grey, the veins covering them becoming prominent as their body became limp, falling on top of you.

a scream escaped your mouth, hurting your throat as you placed the palms of your shaky hands onto their chest, feeling the blood dampen your skin even more so as you pushed the body off of you onto the wooden floor. the blood began to leak onto the floor, sure to leave a stain.

as you were human, surprise attacks like that were fatal– especially when they were from a vampire. you had no idea why anybody would want to harm you, no idea why any werewolf, vampire or other supernatural creature would want to bring specific hurt to you. you were innocent in most of this, despite being friends with the salvatore's. you were just a simple human. you weren't even entirely sure how he had managed to get into the house– you imagined that he had tricked you at some point.

your eyes fell to the blood on your hands, which fell in drops from your own knuckles, due to the severity of the punches you attempted to throw at the vampire in an attempt to distract them for just a second. and it worked, because here they were, dead. and... oh my god they're dead. you couldn't believe what you had done. that was a person, a person with memories and a life and a family and now they were gone.

with shaking hands, you scooted away from the body, unable to take your eyes off of the horrific sight that you were aware you caused. your hands made their way to your face, wiping blood across your skin without realising as fresh tears dripped onto your soft cheeks. kai would be home soon, he'd know what to do– he could help you.

you found yourself wondering how stefan and damon– even kai could do this. it had never really been put into perspective for you. when you first met kai you had been disgusted by his actions, but the more you got to know him, the more it faded away. after taking a life, you wasn't sure how anyone could do it and feel no regret.

after minutes of sitting, staring and contemplating the door began to unlock. and you froze, someone else could be out to get you. your trembling hands reached for the stake, pulling it from the vampires cold body and gripping it tightly in your hand. you got to your feet, taking small steps towards the door and pausing to lift the stake.

the door swung open with a loud creak and you went to lunge it at the body that entered. they caught it. kai caught it. your kai– and you were safe. "hey, it's just me. you're okay." he whispered, sensing your panic as he took in your frightened features, as well as the blood smeared across your face and hands. he took the stake and dropped it to the floor, embracing you in a tight hug and staring with wide eyes at the vampire you had managed to kill. his hands rubbed gentle circles through your shirt in an attempt to calm your anxiety.

"i killed him." you choked out, sobs escaping you as you pressed your face into his chest– your tears soaking through the material of his shirt "it's all my fault kai, i killed him!" kai rocked you back and forth, shushing you and holding you even closer. he never wanted you to experience this, never wanted this to happen to you. he was meant to protect you and keep you safe– you were his to keep safe.

kai picked you up, allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist "it's okay. that doesn't matter– he tried to hurt you, okay? you did what you had to do, baby. you're okay, i'm here. i'll sort it." he carried you to your room, but you could barely tell. you were too caught up in your own world to even notice when he laid you onto the bed. "i'll be back. wait here."

you opened your eyes and watched as he pressed a small and gentle kiss to your forehead. a small gesture full of love and care–kai hated seeing you so hurt, so worked up and full of hatred for your own actions. he had never seen you like this before.

tears blurred your vision as you watched kai, just a cloudy figure through your eyes, as he left the room. you weren't entirely sure what he was leaving to do, but you assumed it was something to do with disposing of the body.

kai rushed down the stairs and into the kitchen. he began rummaging through cupboards and drawers, looking for bin bags to put the body in and cleaning products to get the blood from the wooden floors. he couldn't have you getting in trouble for this, he would find a way to dispose of the body properly, to help you and stop the guilt you were feeling.

"you little fucker." kai heard a voice from behind him– making him jump as he turned to face a dark haired figure. damon. before he could utter a word, damon grabbed kai by the throat, throwing him across the kitchen. he hit the wall with a loud crash. you jumped, feeling yourself tremble at the very idea of kai getting hurt.

kai used this magic– watching as damon fell to the floor clutching his head. you ran into the room, your mouth falling open at the sight. damon and kai. how the hell were you going to explain this one? "kai! don't hurt him... please." you begged, watching with wide eyes as kai glanced at you before lowering his hand. damon sat up slightly, placing his hand on the floor and looking between the two of you.

"you're dead, parker." damon muttered, catching his breath as he recovered from the magic that was used on him "i have no idea what you've done, but you're dead." he breathed out, shaking his head and getting to his feet again. you watched as he took a small step towards kai– you knew what he was going to do. he was going to attempt to kill kai.

you took a deep breath, staring at the floor as you came to terms with the fact you would have to tell damon "he's my boyfriend, damon." you spoke, your words quiet and quick. a smirk covered kai's lips as he finally heard your confession. it was amusing for him to watch damon's reaction– although he had kept the secret for the sake of you, he wanted to tell everyone about your relationship, piss everyone off.

damon's eyebrows raised, furrowing together in confusion "but... but you, you hate him... he hates you." he stuttered, his confusion clear in the jumbled words that managed to escape from in between his lips.

kai stepped towards damon, a smirk on his lips as he met eyes with damon "don't look so surprised. deep down you always knew that y/n couldn't resist me."

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