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"Come on Harmony!" I stared at the computer screen with squinted eyes waiting for the words to appear on the blank screen

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"Come on Harmony!" I stared at the computer screen with squinted eyes waiting for the words to appear on the blank screen.

I was having serious writer's block trying to complete another chapter of my book titled "Never Knew A Love Like This." It's a story in honor of my best friend Mahogany who lost her life because of her husband due to domestic violence. Instead of a tragic ending I wanted to somehow rewrite her story even if it was only in my imagination. She deserved real love and most importantly happiness.

I decided to get a head start on writing because summer break was a few days away. I needed to find a hobby immediately because I decided to dedicate these three months to myself. Which means I wasn't going to be clocking in on anyone's job until August. I thoroughly enjoy being a Kindergarten Teacher at Brownstone Elementary School but I was super excited for summer break.

Deciding to take a break from writing my love story I closed my laptop and placed it next to me on my Queen size bed occupying the empty space on my left side. I closed my eyes in hopes that somehow the words would magically flow from my imagination, down to my fingertips and onto the computer screen.

 I closed my eyes in hopes that somehow the words would magically flow from my imagination, down to my fingertips and onto the computer screen

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"Heyyyyy Harmony!" Mea yelled into the phone once I answered the Face time call.

"Hello beautiful!" I smiled into the camera and sat up against my headboard.

"It's date night tonight soooo I wanted you to see my outfit and tell me yay or nay." She turned the camera to her rear facing camera which showed her standing in front of the bathroom mirror.

" She turned the camera to her rear facing camera which showed her standing in front of the bathroom mirror

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"Yayyy you look amazing! Where will the kids be tonight? I can see Dom trying to make baby number three." I laughed into the phone.

"The kids are going to stay with their Uncle P." She turned the camera back around so that I could see her face. A smirk played on her face as I watched her apply more lipgloss.

"Oh okay." I mentally rolled my eyes and placed the camera on pause responding to an incoming text message from my friend Layla.

"Don't put me on pause so you can hide that blush on your face." She laughed.

"In your dreams..." I exited off my messages and clicked back on Face time. I watched as she placed her gold jewelry on.

"What's your problem with Princeton again?" She looked down at the camera for a brief second before resuming applying her watch on her wrist.

"Let me see.." I placed my hand under my chin pretending like I was deep in thought. "Besides him ignoring me every time I am around. Or, when we do talk he is a complete asshole to me. I would say that he seems like the one with the problem. You need to be asking him why he doesn't like me!" I said with a hint of aggression in my voice.

I thought back to 4 months ago when we met at Dominique and Mea's house. He was rude and standoffish despite me trying to be cordial with him. After the second time and it was the same bullshit like the first time I've stopped trying to speak.

"Just give him another chance Harmony. He really is a great guy, very funny and outgoing. He's just been through a lot and he's trying to find himself again. I promise he is not a bad person." She gave me a small smile.

"Whatever you say! Your makeup looks amazing girl!" I quickly changed the subject. No point in talking about someone who doesn't give two fucks about me.

"Thank you!" She picked up the phone and grinned into the camera while walking into her bedroom.

"Damn." I overheard Dominique in the background.

"Baby, stop trying to get fresh while I'm on the phone." Mea started giggling.

"Who is that anyways?" Dom said taking the phone out of Mea hands.

"It's me." I waved into the camera.

"Wassup Harmony. How are you?" Dom asked.

"I'm doing good just trying to finish a chapter of my book before going to bed." I let out a huge sigh when I looked over at my laptop that was still lying next to me on my bed.

"Come back to it and get some rest. You know sleep helps with everything." He said.

"Yes. It sure does. I think I'll take your advice my eyes are starting to get heavy." I nodded my head in agreement and covered my yawn with my left hand.

"Well I'm going to hand the phone back to Mea now and I'll see you soon!" He said before Mea appeared inside of the camera.

"Girl I will call...." A loud slap noise went off in the background.

"Dominique Thomas that hurts. Be gentle with the slaps." Mea whined.

"Come on baby we are about to be late." Dom said.

"Give me five more minutes. I am almost done." She gave him an innocent look batting her eyelashes and poking out her bottom lip.

"Mea it has been two hours bring your ass on!" Dom said in the background and a loud slap noise sounded off again.

"Babyyyy...You can't rush perfection! Harmony I will talk to you later girl." She laughed and rolled her eyes towards Dominique.

"You both have a great night and I will talk to you later!" I laughed at the two love birds.

"I love you and I'll see you Saturday." She blew a kiss into the phone before ending the Face time.

I laughed and placed the phone down on my nightstand before opening my laptop wishing I had plans tonight. My non existent love life has not been revived in years and it looks like it will stay that way for awhile now. Hopefully Mea has enough fun for the both of us because I live vicariously through her.

I love seeing the love shared between the two it genuinely makes my heart smile. Especially after hearing the stories of how much work, long nights and sacrifice it took for their relationship to finally be in a good place. Since they have rekindled their love it has been filled with happiness, commitment and peace.

"Let's try this again." Grabbing my glasses from my nightstand I opened the Google Doc to my rough draft.

Staring at the screen after ten minutes I decided to call it quits and open another tab to begin watching Netflix. Placing my glasses on the nightstand, and getting comfortable inside of my bed I turned the lamp off and watched Black Lightning until sleep found me. Maybe when I woke up in the morning the words will start to flow.


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