CHAPTER 1: What A Party.....NOT!

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Tonight I was looking forward to as it happened to be our one month anniversary that he told me he wanted to celebrate by going to a party that a good friend of his invited him and me to.

Normally, I don't do parties. However, I figured that it wouldn't hurt since I'd be with him anyways.

So once I agreed to go, I asked my one of my coworkers to cover my shift at the strip club I work as a waitress at. My best friend, Morielle, is a stripper there and is really good too. In fact, I think she's one of the best dancers there and wish I had her figure and her confidence. Mainly her confidence especially about her body. I'd love to have that with my body.

For the whole day, I just relaxed and treated myself to get pampered to help prepare myself for tonight and buy a nice dress for tonight along with a mask. He told me it's a masquerade but the masks we have to wear are supposed to be nice and fancy. So I buy one at a place that sells great quality costumes and accessories where Morielle usually goes to for her stage costumes.

Thankfully he had one that went with my dress and was a laced nice black one that had some things draping down it a little.

So I had my make up done all smokey eye and then light red lipstick along with my hair curled and pulled to the side over on one shoulder. Then right as I finished tying my mask on, I heard a knock on my apartment door and grabbed my clutch purse before opening it. It was my boyfriend.

"Wow, you look good." He comments.

Okay so it's not hot but I'm a curvy girl and he's the only guy that hasn't minded being with me.

I was feeling a little anxious actually because I felt like a masquerade type of a party would be fun and I had always wanted to go to one.

When we pulled up the long driveway in front of the house and got out, I was amazed at how big it was. It looked nice and as soon as we began walking inside after the two doormen opened the doors up, I became instantly more nervous as I started to walk alongside with my boyfriend, Blake with his hand behind my back as I noticed that there were a bunch of people in the room that some women were wearing black short dresses and matching masks as well as while the men, including Blake wore the same masks that were decorative in a manly way but were all the same color and all.

People in some places were standing around in a circle watching something and as we walked to the first circle to see what was going on, I was shocked when I noticed what this party was. It was just like the movie Eyes Wide Shut. Everyone came here to have sex with people.

Then the more I looked around the more I saw some other women wearing masks that were fully nude. Oh my god, why did he bring me here?

Suddenly I felt more uneasy and started to excuse myself by slipping through the crowd.

Once I got several feet from the front doors, I felt somebody grab my wrist roughly and turn me around to face them quickly. It was Blake.

"Where the hell are you going?!" He asks pissed off.

"I'm leaving. How the hell could you bring me to a party like this? I'm not a whore." I snap at him.

"Yes you are. You're my whore. And you're lucky to be with a guy like me. I mean seriously, look at you. You're fat and ugly and don't get many offers. At least this way people already paid and can't get a refund. So when it's our turn, you're gonna do what as I say and I'm gonna let everybody know you are mine." He says.

"So you want to screw me in front of strangers so they would know I'm yours?! I won't fucking do it you sick asshole!" I tell him.

"You don't say no to me! Besides, you said you wanted to make me happy and this is shat will. I want all the men to know you're mine and that I fuck you so good that they don't need to bother." He says while pushing me hard up against the wall.

Unfortunately we are in the darkest corner of the room so nobody can see us and they can't hear us as they are all busy going to all the crowded areas to watch the sex show.

"No." I tell him and am able to not knee him too hard but hard enough in between his legs to let me go and grab onto his crotch area.

"Fucking bitch!" He yells and that's when I start to run as fast as I can and not knowing this place and the fact it's huge, I notice that nobody is upstairs, so I quickly run up there as I see him not too far in the crowd coming towards the stairs.

When I get to the top of the stairs, I catch myself luckily as I lose my footing and almost trip from my heels and hurry to run towards the first door I see hoping it's unlocked. Which thankfully it is.

I run inside and quickly shut the door and lock it behind me. Then I turn around and notice the lights are on but I don't see anybody here.

Then I suddenly start hearing water coming from inside of the bathroom. Which of course judging by the size of the house I'm sure all of the rooms I bet have their own bathrooms. It's like a hotel in here.

Oh right, I need to try and call for a ride. However, as soon as I take out my phone, I notice it has no bars.

"Fuck!" I say under my breath.

I start looking around and don't see a telephone anywhere until I notice a cell phone on the side table by the bed. I hope he has better service since it looks more expensive than mine. So I walk over and grab the phone and hope that there's no code to get inside it.

Though right as soon as I am about to try and figure it out, I quickly get turned around roughly by the arm and harshly pushed up against the wall, causing me to drop the phone.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?!" This man with an angry killer kind of a look on his face tells me as he shoots daggers at me through his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry. I was trying to look for a phone to call for a ride." I start to tell him terrified.

"But why in here?! Why the hell in my room?! I don't like sluts from downstairs to come in my room to fuck!" He says as his grip on my wrists are getting tighter.

"Please. I'm not a whore. I was tricked into coming and I." I started to try and explain while hiding tears but then I heard a knock at the door, it was Blake. His voice on the other side called my name.

The man holding me against the wall glared at the door and then looked back at me while scowling. Then back again at the door before letting go of my wrists.

"Go in the bathroom and be quiet." He tells me and still shaking with fear, I do as he says and try holding in my tears.

Was this guy really gonna help me? Or was this a trick? And was he really just wearing nothing but a towel? Oh my god his body and tattoos are so hot.

'Oh my god, shut the hell up Variella!' I tell myself in my head.

I next hear the guy opening the door.....

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

Hope you all will give this a chance and like it too. Along with the sneek peek to my other one My Crush is A Porn Star! :)

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