CHAPTER 12: Go Out With Me

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I was livid. This fucker is such a sick fuck that instead of turning him over to the authorities, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

Terrano, one of my right hand guys who travels with me mostly, other than Kix whom I left to stay at home to watch the girls, has this guy all tied up, naked, in a chair.

He was covered head to toe in blood and bruises, wounds that will never heal as he still remained the way he's always been, an asshole.

"So you enjoy raping women and selling their daughters to old disgusting perverts like yourself?" I ask with my head cocked to the side and such venom.

"If you think this little charade is gonna make me say sorry or beg you to stop, you're wrong." He says with an evil chuckle and  spits out blood.

"I know you aren't gonna change your mind and apologize. Because you're a sick and twisted bastard. I just wanted to see how much you bled. Now for my last trick of the night." I smirk at him in an evil way before I have Terrano grab the hot cast iron made pliers that was just being removed from the fire we had it over to get it nice and hot, I had him hand it to me after I put a thick glove on. I looked at it for a moment and then walked up towards him, clamped it down onto his small penis, hearing the sizzling sound of his flesh burning from the heat before I then yank it off to let him bleed out.

"Ah fuck, boss!" Terrano says over the man's screams as he grabs himself in pain.

"Terrano, have the guys clean this up. I have a flight to catch in a couple of hours and need to take a shower." I tell him while dropping the clamps before leaving.

Some of my guys that watched the whole thing were gagging and holding themselves as I just left.

I stood under the water in the shower for a while before starting to clean myself and I started to tear up as I thought about my ex girlfriend and how she was gang raped after being kidnapped then sold by her own father. I should have protected her. But I failed her instead.

Once I was finished with my shower and got dressed, I started heading to the airport to head back home.

It wasn't until I had gotten on the plane that I had realized it was even my birthday. Which I don't do anything special for it. I don't deserve it for everything I have done.

I try to get it out of my head and sleep the whole plane ride back and so that I don't have to think about Variella. My god how she reminds me of my ex girlfriend.

She has the same effect on me only, Variella has a pull on me stronger than my ex ever did, but she makes me feel calm and comforted. She's beautiful inside and out and has curves that drive me crazy as hell.


Finally the plane lands and I feel real rested.  So maybe tonight I'll go out and have some fun.

Once I get home though and open the door to walk in, I set down my bag of stuff and then am startled as people pop out of nowhere all yelling at the same time, "Happy Birthday!"

"What the fuck?!" I asked confused.

"Hey man, happy birthday!" Terrano says as he hits my shoulder and smiles.

"What the hell?! Why did you do all this?" I asked.

"It wasn't our idea." Kix says.

"It was mine." I hear Variella say as she comes walking out with a small smile.

I was surprised and shocked but also, moved a little? I couldn't help but smile a little as a 'thank you' to her.

Throughout the party, I couldn't help but feel relaxed and able to have fun as we all were hanging out in our swimsuits as we ate some good barbecue that Kix grilled, swam and had the most fun I had in a long time.

While some people left after we hung out around the bonfire pit I had in the backyard, others stayed there while I noticed Variella getting up to head inside so she could wash her hands under the faucet in the kitchen sink from the messy s'mores we all just had.

When I got inside, I closed the sliding glass door behind me and walked up behind her and kept a close distance between us.

"Thank you." I tell her and I guess I accidentally startled her by saying that.

"Oh my god." She gasps.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." I tell her.

"It's okay." She says. "Happy birthday." She smiles.

"Thanks." I smile back at her.

We both share a moment of silence before saying anything.

"Well, I'm gonna head to bed. I'll see you in the morning." She says.

She might have told me that but her body language was throwing me through a loop as it was saying 'take me.' I could tell by the way she bit her lower lip a little.

So I followed behind her without her knowing and as soon as she went into her room, I closed the door behind me and she turned around and was surprised to see me in here but at the same time, I could tell she was also happy.

I don't even say anything as I walk right up towards her and grab her face then smash my lips onto hers and we began making out.

I then pushed her up against the wall only this time was for a good reason and I felt her hands on the sides of my face and kissed me back, allowing my tongue to enter her mouth.

When we stopped for a moment to catch our breaths and looked into each other's eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything and I'm sorry for just kissing you like I just did I just couldn't help it. I have wanted you for so long and I just couldn't hold it in anymore." I confess.

"I've wanted the same thing." She tells me.

"Be mine. Go on a date with me." I ask as I slowly move my mouth and place kisses on the side of her neck.

"Okay." She moans.

"Mmm.." I moan and next grab her thighs and wrap her legs around my waist as she wraps her arms over my shoulders and mine on her ass as I carry her over towards the bed while laying on top of her and kissing her from her mouth to her neck.

To be continued......

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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