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Last night was eventful to say the least. Not to mention disturbing and frightening all at the same time. For a moment there I had thought maybe I was gonna get hurt by that guy who ended up saving me. Little did I know exactly who he was until later.

It wasn't until my alarm woke me up and I reached over to my little inn table beside the bed that I realized I didn't have my phone.

I sat up real fast and before getting up to look for it, I began thinking of what could have happened to it. Then it hit me, I left my purse at his place. Oh shit.

Oh my god this is bad. I didn't have a credit card in there or anything. Just my phone, my Drivers License and some cash. Oh shit, if he see's my information, he'll know where I live. I am so dead. Literally.

I start to place my hand over my chest as I feel it tightening while the panic sits in.

"Oh my god. What did I do?!" I started saying to myself out loud. "Please god don't let him find me and kill me. Just let him destroy it. I can always replace a phone."

Then I was startled as I heard knocking at the door. I realized that it most likely was Morielle. Since I didn't call her or nothing.

So I head to the door and before opening it, I ask who it is.

"It's the guy whose room you barged into last night." I hear that sexy deep voice say.

Wait! He isn't sexy. He's a killer. A criminal.

"H-how did you find me?" I asled although I immediately face palmed myself as I already knew was because I had left my purse.

"You left your purse in the room. Look, I'm a busy guy and took time out of my day to stop by and drop this off, can you at least let open the door so I can give it to you?" He asks.

Should I? Do I want to? Or should I just tell him to leave it by the door. Why the hell don't I have a bat by my door?!

"Uh, yeah. Just a second." I exclaim and quickly look around to try and find anything that is a weapon but the closest is on the kitchen and he seems to be getting impatient by the second.

"I'm not gonna stand here all day." He says, rather rudely.

"Okay." I reply and start to unlock the door then open the door up slowly.

The more I opened the door the more I caught a good look at him and his body as I notice he's doing the same thing with me. Next I notice my purse in his hand.

"Thanks." I tell him while trying to grab it before I shut the door. However he stops my hand.

"Can I use your bathroom?" He asks.

"Uh..." I start to think.

"I came a long way and I have to go." He tells me.

"Yeah, okay. I guess it's okay." I agree.

After all, this guy could most likely kill me with one hit. I point to where the bathroom was and he looked at me for a moment and walked closer to me, hands me the purse before making his way there.

When I hear him shut the bathroom door, I walk into the kitchen and start to breathe and let out the breath I hadn't realized I was holding in. I then looked at one of the kitchen knives and quickly turned around and kept my hand in close distance from it without making it too obvious as soon as I heard his voice come from behind me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He says.

"Do what?" I try and play dumb.

"I'm not stupid. I know you're afraid of me due to my reputation. But don't worry, I won't hurt you. In fact," He begins to say while slowly walking towards me.

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