CHAPTER 16: Somebody Needs Reminding

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I'm glad that she does understand what all is going on. It makes things a lot easier.

"So boss, what do you think we should do about Blake and his crew?" One of my guys ask.

"For now we'll just keep on the lookout for anything that might ruin us." I tell them.

"And what about Variella?" He asks.

"What about her?" I asked.

"Well, she used to date Blake and we heard he ran into her the other night at the club." He mentions.

"And I took care of it. Don't worry, she understands the measures I am having to take and that she will need to try and do. So there won't be an issue." I say.

"Alright...." The guy says in a way that sounded as though he doesn't trust her or something.

"What was that? Are you questioning my girl?" I glared at him.

"No Sir, just that you haven't known her for very long." He says.

"I think we're done here. The meetings over." I say and stand while not taking my eyes off of him.

Everyone gets up and we start to all head out to our cars and while on the way back, I couldn't stop thinking about what that guy said. I can't believe he had the nerve to question about trusting Variella. I mean sure it's true that I barely know her but I trust her.

When I got back home, I was expecting to be greeted with a hug and a kiss or at least seeing Variella but she was nowhere to be seen.

I then walked over towards Kix and asked him where she was.

"Oh, she's outside in the pool. She seemed kind of down." He says.

I feel bad as I'm sure some of it if not all of it is because of me. So I quickly head upstairs and get into my swim trunks and head downstairs and see she's hanging in the deep end with her arms on the outside of the pool as she moves her feet around a little.

Dive into the water and begin swimming all the way up to her and grab her sides as I come up for air, combing my hair back with my hand. Before wrapping her arms around my shoulders as I wrap mine around her waist and start kissing her.

I hear that sexy and adorable giggle that she does.

"I missed you today." She tells me.

"I missed you too." I tell her. "Kix just told me you were feeling down."

"A little." She admits.

"But why." I asked.

"Well, I got a call from the club saying that I was let go."

"Ohhh." I say as I realize I forgot to tell her that it was because of me.

"What?" She asks.

"Don't get upset but, I had her let you go." I tell her.

"What? Why the hell did you do that?" She punches my chest while trying to push me away.

"Because I had to and besides, you said that you were willing to do whatever it took to keep you safe and well, that's it. You can't work or any of that with Blake and others getting the chance to getting to you." I try and remind her.

"I wish you would have told me still. I mean, if I can't work then what? You want me to stay and do what exactly? I've supported myself for as long as I can remember. Never took handouts or had anyone really support me. I don't know if I can do that." She tells me and lets me go before swimming past me.

I stop her by grabbing her ankles and she goes under water real fast then comes back up as I start pulling her towards me.

"Do I need to remind you about why we're doing this?" I ask her in between the kisses I place gently onto her neck.

"No." I hear her say while licking her lips and moaning.

"I think I do." I say in her ear while gripping her ass before smashing my lips onto hers.

We get out of the pool and go up towards the bedroom where I teach her a very good lesson. That from the amount of orgasms I gave her and how sore I made her, she might remember.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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