CHAPTER 23: I Messed Up

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I hope that Darius doesn't think I'm gonna just stay back and let him have all the fun. Not to mention that I have to show them what all I was talking about with the tunnel underground.

He was downstairs talking with his men about the plan for tonight when they stopped and all looked at me with a smile.

"What?" I asked them.

"Nothing." Darius smiles at me. "In fact, wee were just going over the plans for the big fight tomorrow night. I was able to even set up a fake meeting with Larry." He says.

"Why?" I asked curious.

"Because I know he isn't stupid. He'll never suspect that my guys will be underneath." He replies.

"Okay..." I replied. "So then where will I be at?" I asked.

"You're staying here." Darius tells me.

"Oh hell no. The tunnel was my idea and I'm going to!" I say with authority as I place my hands on my hips.

"Uh oh." Morielle says.

"No, you're not. I already told you before that you're not going so drop it." Darius fires back at me with a glare.

"Why the hell not? And when in the hell did we talk about me not going? You may have said you didn't want me to but that isn't necessarily discussing it." I snap back at him.

"Variella, I'm not going to repeat myself." He says through clenched teeth.

"Well you don't get to tell me what to do!" I tell him. "Besides, you can't leave me behind. We both know that Blake could easily be setting you all up. While you're having a meeting with Larry, Blake could easily be using that opportunity in finding a way to get to me." I tell him.

I can tell by the look on everybody's face that they are starting to feel uncomfortable.

"He won't!" He says.

"He could! You need to stop and let go of what happened in your past! I'm not her!" I snap at him not meaning to bring it up or say it the way that I just now did but it just came out.

The moment it came out, everybody looked at Darius and then at me with looks of pity but also, that I shouldn't have said that.

I try and walk up to him and start to try and apologize.

"Darius I'm sorry." I try and say while about to touch his shoulder but I flinch and quickly pull my hand back as soon as he swats it and stands up abruptly before forcefully pushing his chair back.

"You know what? You want to fucking kill yourself then go ahead! Sorry for ever fucking care about your ass. And who knows, maybe deep down you want Blake to come for you." He says with so much anger.

As much as I deserved something like that, it still hurt. I tried fighting back the tears that were about to fall down my face as I look into his eyes.

He looks at me with disgust and so much anger then moves passed me and leaves to go for a ride while slamming the door behind him.

I felt embarrassed. I almost felt as though I was a kid that was just yelled out by their dad in front of family or friends. Then I felt disgusted with myself and even more upset though that he never let me explain to him in what I meant.

Although, this is really all my fault. I should have known better. I never should have said what I did. Now he's pissed and gone.

"Variella..." I heard Morielle say to me.

"I'm so sorry guys. I'm sorry for everything." I started to cry and quickly ran towards the bedroom upstairs closing the door behind me.

I laid in bed sobbing really hard as I may have lost the best thing in my life. I'm such an idiot.

After almost two hours of crying, I finally had nothing left to cry out and after realizing that Darius hadn't come home yet, I decided to just take a shower instead.

So I headed into the bathroom and turned music on using my phone and then grabbed some PJ's before moving the shower curtain over and suddenly jumping back as soon as I see Blake and he is grinning in a sinister way that I recognized him always doing before he would do something bad. 

So I turn and try to scream but he yanks me back by my hair and slams my head, face first into the mirror, breaking the mirror into a million pieces and knocking me out. Darkness consumed me so fast, I had no idea what happened.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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