CHAPTER 28: I Swear.....

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As I started opening my eyes a little more and realizing what was going on, I felt my head being yanked back by some asshole while pointing a gun up to the side of my head, forcing me to look at Variella that is sitting across form us with a gun to her head as well while Blake mentions something about playing a game.

"Alright now, here are the rules in how the game is to be played." Blake starts with far too much amusement in the tone of his voice then there should be.

"Why don't you just get down to what the fuck you want to do with us." I challenged him, calling his bluff whilst trying to distract him.

"Aww, but I wanted to play a game. Trust me, you all will have a lot of fun. Or at least I will. It is one of my favorite games." He grins in a sinister way.

I look at Variella who is crying silently really hard while looking as though she telling me at the same time in her eyes she is sorry. As I do the same as well with mine towards her and my friends who all have just now had duct tape put over their mouths.

"Now, I'm going to ask you several questions here Darius and if you get them right, then, you get a prize. But if you get them wrong..." He begins to say before squatting beside Variella and rubbing the back of her neck then tightening his grip on her before continuing.

"But if you get them wrong, then this little, or should I say big disgusting thing, will be hurt. If by the end you have more right questions wrong, then I will just request a tiny amount of money from you and let all of you go and that's that." He says.

I glare it him for a few moments before I finally agree to it. Plus, what other choice do I really have?!

"Fine." I agree.

"Good. First question.....A few years back, you made a deal with several big clients that were once Larry's. Did you intentionally try and take them away from him?" He asks.

"No." I tell him thinking it's a stupid question. "I had no idea that he even did business with them as they had not told me." I answered.

He looks at me for a moment deciding if rather or not I was telling the truth.

"Alright. Next question....Did you ever know that Larry and I were related?" He asks me with a cocked eybrow.

"No." I reply.

"Tsk tsk tsk. That's a shame." He says and then pulls out his pocket switchblade knife and then places it against Variella's skin near her neck and start to drag it along her skin causing her to scream and bleed.

The man with a gun to her head covers her mouth.

"No! I want them all to hear her scream." Blake snaps at the guy.

"I swear I'm gonna fucking kill you." I warn him.

"Hey, you should have a have answered honestly." He tells me.

"Fine then, yes, I knew." I confessed never having told anyone I knew before.

"It's too late now for that." He smirks in satisfaction. "Now, lets continue. While dating my sister, did you for once ever think about the retaliation and consequences for that?" He asks.

"You son-of-a-bitch." I tell him.

"What? Doesn't your crew know? Does Variella know?" He asks.

"Don't." I tell him.

"You see, Variella and friends of Darius, his ex, Mary, was my little sister and you got her killed." He states.

"It wasn't my fault and you fucking know it." I remind him with a scowl.

"Bullshit! Larry told me everything that happened and said that YOU ordered the hit and allowed those men to assault her and then kill her and dump her body as if she was a nobody." He exclaims.

"It wasn't me. It was Larry and his guys. He tried getting to me by getting her and I swear to god it wasn't my fault." I start to plead.

"I don't believe you. In fact, let's make that the final question. You'll clearly never tell me the truth for anything and well, frankly I'm starting to get bored." He says and then looks at the guy with a gun to Variella's head and nods.

The guy grins and then starts to remove Variella from the chair with her wrists still tied as he throws her over his shoulder while she kicks and screams then walks out with her.

"You motherfucker! I swear to god I'm gonna kill you and your men!" I yell out at him as I struggle and wriggle around trying hard to get up and out of the chairs along with Morielle and them trying to do the same as they also try to scream through the duct tape.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure you say goodbye this time before we finish her." Blake laughs in an evil way.

"I swear to..." I begin to say but duct tape is then put over my mouth and right away, I feel the guy that had the gun to my head start throwing blows from every angle to my face as did the other men with Morielle and the others.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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