CHAPTER 10: Why Why Why

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I had gone to the strip joint and spoke with the manager about some stuff and towards the end, mentioned about firing the security that didn't do their job with the situation of Variella getting hurt. She agreed and had felt bad. She already fired them and had two new ones coming in tomorrow for an interview. Then I headed out to the bar after we were done and talked to the bartender for a bit, having a drink and minding my own business when Variella comes up to me and starts complaining.

Luckily, since I wasn't in the mood to hear any bitching, I noticed behind her as I looked over shoulder there was a girl who happened to be a stripper and the manager's daughter that sometimes I would be given dances from in the past, however, she also happens to be dating someone that owes me money and had messaged me the other day to tell me she had my money for me. So I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and decided to have her take me to a private room to hand me it so nobody knew what we were doing.

After I put the envelope of money in my pocket, she then sat down for a bit with me and we talked a little bit, well mostly she talked and brought up how she knows I like Variella and Variella likes me. Then after telling her a few things, she told me to stop using that as an excuse and get her before somebody else does.

As soon as we finished up and I came walking out, I noticed that Variella wasn't anywhere to be seen and when I went to the dressing room in the back, I saw that Morielle was also gone.

So I message Kix and he messages me back telling me where they're at and I immediately begin making my way over there.

I didn't expect to see Variella and some douche touching each other and the moment I saw him about to lean in to kiss her, I lost it and took the opportunity to yank him off and begin beating the shit out of him.

I was planning on stopping until I got a glimpse of his face and immediately recognized who he was and that he was an asshole who used to work for one of my enemies. He almost got me killed at one point, so yeah, I had a reason to be pissed off at him.

Once I feel her grab my arms though to try and get me to stop, I do when I see her horrified look on her face and then grab her hand then start pulling her towards the car out front and once she FINALLY got in, I took off to the house.

She immediately got out of the car before I was able to put it into park and then walked towards the front door and I had forgotten she had a key until she opened up the door and walked right in.

"I wanna talk to you!" I exclaim to her.

She continues walking up the stairs towards her room I'm assuming.

"Fuck you!" She says.

Damnit, why does she turn me on when she says that to me.

I start sprinting after her up the stairs and right as she tries closing the door, I grab it and walk right in then slam it shut behind me and start walking closer towards her until I'm close enough to grab her hand and spin her around to face me and push her up against the wall.

"Stop it." I tell her.

"No! Let go of me!" She says.

"I said stop it!" I exclaim more assertively as I hold both her wrists above her head.

"What the hell is your problem?!" She spits at me.

"You're my problem!" I blurt out.

"How am I your problem?! You're the one that won't leave me alone when I'm trying to keep my distance!" She snaps.

"I know and THAT'S the fucking problem!" I finally admit.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She says.

"Fuck!" I say exasperated and push myself off the wall and away from her.

"I can't fucking stay away from you. Believe me, I try to and it's for some damn reason, not working. My god, since the first night I caught you in my room, I couldn't get your face out of my head. Then to find out you work at one of the places I co-own and where my cousin works, not to mention living not that far from me. It's fucking hard." I confess. Pissed off at myself that I just exposed myself like that.

"You're so full of shit. Why are you doing this? Do you love trying to hurt others? Especially women? You get some fucking sick and twisted pleasure fucking with emotions that way? You can't just get jealous and then act like you care one moment when you're sleeping with other women! I'm not a menu item, you can't just order me whenever the hell you like to." She says.

"I know you're not. Shit, I'm putting everything out on the table for you and yet you're gonna just take it and throw it away. It's no wonder you're single." I remark but didn't mean that to come out.

I can see the pain and hurt in her eyes.

"Go to hell. I have chosen to be single because I'm tired of doing EVERYTHING in the relationship and changing my appearance and who I am to fit your 'guy' needs only in the end to be treated like shit and be unappreciated and unwanted. And I am so fucking sick of it." She says as she fights back tears.

Wow, now I feel like a bigger douche bag than before. Oh my god, I always swore I would never turn into my father but look at me now, I am. I'm so afraid of repeating the past with my ex that, I let it show through anger.

"Variella..." I start to say.

"Now, please leave." She says.

Then walks past me towards the door and before she has the chance to open it up, I hold closed the door.

"Wait." I say with my mouth so close to her ear and the scent from her amazing perfume drives me crazy as it invades my nostrils and I want so badly to kiss her right now.

"Don't do this." I hear her say through sniffles.

I turn her around and she looks at me with tears falling down her face already. She then switches from looking sad to being real upset and starts pushing me away.

"What the hell is the matter with you?!" She says and then comes up to me again, pushing me back again and then again until I grab her wrists to stop her without squeezing too tightly then push her back onto her bed with her wrists again held down above her head while on top of her.

We look into each other's eyes for a moment before I begin to say anything and can start to notice the bruise on her eye a little bit.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could say as all I could see was what my father did to my mom when she fought back and he hit her harder making her cry. I know I didn't give her the black eye but feels like I did.

I then get up and start to leave but before I do, I turn a little and tell her one last thing.

"You have every right to hate me. I'm sorry for everything I've said and done to you. It's not right and......and I'm sorry." I tell her while choking back on some tears before opening the door and leaving to head to my room.

Why am I such a fuck up?! Why why why?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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